Yesterday's Special

Choreographed by Kathy Hunyadi
Description 40 count, 1 wall, beginner line dance
Music The City Put The Country Back In Me - Neal McCoy
See Rock City" by Rick Trevino

1-2 	Tap right toes in towards left instep twice
3-4 	Tap right heel in towards left instep twice
5-8 	Tap right toes in towards left instep, right heel in, right toes in, right heel in while
	traveling to right by swiveling left heel to right, left toes right, left heel right, left toes center
1-4 	Step forward on right, touch left next to right, step back on left, touch right next to left
5-8 	Step forward on right, step left together with right; twist both heels left, twist
	both heels right (keep weight on left )
1-4 	Grapevine right: step to right on right, cross step left behind right, step to right on right, 
	Scuff left foot forward
5-8 	Grapevine left: step to left on left, cross step right behind left, step to left on
	left while turning ¼ turn to left, scuff right forward
1-2 	Step forward on right, turn ¼ turn to left, step in place on left
3-4 	Repeat counts 1-2
5-6 	Repeat counts 1-2
7-8 	Stomp right twice (take weight on right after second stomp)
1-4 	Fan right toes out to right, right heel out, right heel in, right toes in
5-8 	Fan left toes out to left, left heel out, left heel in, left toes in
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert February 2002