Who I Am

Music Who I Am - Alan Jackson

1-2		Sidestep right, touch left
3-4		Sidestep left, touch right
5-6		Sidestep right, touch left
7-8		Sidestep left, touch right
9-12		Right grapevine
13-16		(To the left) heels, toes, heels, toes
17-29		Right grapevine
21-24		(To the left) heels, toes, heels, toes
25-28		Charleston: Step ahead on right, kick left, step back on left, touch back on right
29-30		Step ahead on right, with left leg hitched behind right, turn 1/2 turn clockwise.
31-32		Step ahead on left, with right leg hitched behind left, turn 	1/4 turn clockwise.