CHOREOGRAPHER Rodeo Rick (Cornwall,ON., Canada.) rodeor@cnwl.igs.net
DESCRIPTION      32 steps - 37 counts, 1 wall Intermediate dance,  syncopated steps
MUSIC Whatever Comes First - Son's of the Desert (128 BMP)
NOTES Please see end of dance for note

Vine Right, Back Step, Vine Left , Coaster Step L,R,L
1-3 Step to right with right, step behind with left ,step to right with right
&4 Step on ball of left in place, Step behind left with right 
5-7 Step to left with left , step in front with right, step back on ball of left behind right
&8 Step slightly back on ball of right , Step forward with left
Step Forward, 1/2 Turn, Shuffle
9-10 Step forward on right, half turn pivot to left
11&12 Right shuffle forward (R,L,R)
13-14 Step forward on left, half turn pivot to right
15&16 Left shuffle forward (L,R,L)
Heel, Heel, Coaster Step L,R,L
17-18 Touch right heel forward, bring right back as you touch left heel forward (hop as you switch feet)
19&20 Step back on ball of left beside right, step back on ball of right slightly behind left, step forward with left 
Step Forward, 1/4 Turn (Twice)
21-24 Step forward with right , turning 1/4 turn left changing weight to left, step forward with right, turning 1/4 turn left changing weight to left
Hip Sways, 1/4 Turn Left, Step Forward, 1/4 Turn, Stomp, Clap
25-28 Step forward on right, sway right hip to right ending with weight on right, while turning 1/4 turn left, step in place on left, sway left hip to left ending with weight on left 
29-32 Step forward on right, turning 1/4 turn left changing weight to left, stomp down on right, clap
Start over.............until music is finished. HAVE FUN!
Note When doing this dance to it's original song, Whatever comes First by Son's Of The Desert, dance 3 complete walls followed by first 16 steps during short instrumental part of music (after first chorus) 
then start dance over from beginning. This makes the dance challenging and much more fun because 
of the way it blends in with the music. This dance can also be danced at any medium tempo song of 
around 128 BPM.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk January 2002