Watcha’ Gonna Do
Choreographed by Sal Gonzalez - (209) 837-0597
Description  64 count, 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance
Music  Mary Lou – Delbert McClinton

1-2 	Step forward Left, Right
3&4 	Left Shuffle Forward
5&6 	Right Shuffle forward
7-8 	Step forward Left, Right
9&10 	Side shuffle Left, L-R-L left- together-left
11-12 	Step right behind left [turning body slightly right],
	Rock step back onto left [turning body left to face front]
13&14 	Side shuffle to the right, R-L-R right-together-right
15-16 	Step left behind right [turning body slightly to the left], Rock / step back onto right 
	[ turning body to right to face front] & Make 1/2 turn right on ball of right

17&18 	Shuffle backwards L-R-L
19-20 	Step back onto right, rock forward onto left
21-24 	Right Toe Strut forward, Left toe strut forward
25-26 	Step forward onto right, leaning forward shake shoulders
27-28 	Rock back onto left, HOLD
29-32 	Roll Hips Clockwise twice to finish with weight on Left
33-36 	Step on ball of right to right side, Drop onto right heel
	Step on ball of left across front of right, drop onto left heel
37-38 	Step on ball of right to right side, drop onto right heel with 1/4 turn right
39-40 	Step forward on ball of left, Pivot 3/4 turn right stepping weight forward onto right
	You should now be facing the opposite of your starting wall
41-42 	Step on ball of left to the side, drop onto heel
43-44 	Step on ball o right across front of left, drop onto heel

45-46 Step on ball of left to left side, drop onto heel turning 1/4 turn left
47-48 	Step forward on right, pivot 3/4 turn left stepping weight forward onto left
49-50 	Step on ball of right to right side, drop onto right heel
51-52 	Step onto ball of left across in front of right, drop onto heel of right

53-54 	Step on ball of right to right side, drop onto right heel with 1/4 turn right
55-56 	Step forward on ball of left, Pivot 3/4 turn right stepping weight forward onto right
57-58 	Step forward Left [shoulder width apart from right, HOLD
59-60 	Bend Left Knee & drop left shoulder so that body sways to left side
61-62 	Straightening knee, sway body up & to the right side,
63-64 	Transfer weight to right
	Start Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert August 2002