Wandering Outlaw
MUSIC Friends - Garth Brooks
  When the feelings right - Dean Dillon
1 - 2 Scuff right forward, Swing right over left and step
3 - 4 Scuff Left forward, Swing left over right and step
5 - 6 Scuff right forward, Swing right over left and step
7 - 8 Scuff left forward, Step right in place next to right
9 - 11 Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to right
12 - 13 Step forward on left, Pivot ½ turn right [ into RLOD ]
14 - 16 Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left
17 - 18 Step forward on right, Pivot ½ turn left [ into LOD ]
19 - 20 Scuff right forward, Swing right over left and step
21 - 22 Scuff Left forward, Swing left over right and step
23 - 24 Scuff right forward, Swing right over left and step
25 - 26 Scuff left forward, Step right in place next to right
27 - 28 Swivel heels left, back to centre
29 - 30 Swivel heels left, back to centre
31 - 32 Left toe tap next toe next to right foot twice
33 - 34 Hook left toe behind right ankle and turn 1/4 turn right to face OLOD
35 - 36 Step left foot side left, right foot step behind left,
37 - 38 Step left to left, Touch right next to left
39 - 42 MAN: Step right and turn ¼ turn left, continue full turn on left, right, touch left next to right
39 - 42 LADY: Step right and turn ¼ turn right, continue full turn on left, right, touch left next to right
NOTE Keep hold of both hands whilst doing this turn, Gent will be turning in towards the centre,
ladies turning out to outside, It will help if right arms are held down and left arms raised to 
begin the turn as in a windmill turn
43 - 46 Left Grapevine, touch right
47 - 50 Repeat steps 39 to 42
51 - 52 Swivel heels right , back to centre
53- 54 Swivel heels right , back to centre
55 - 56 Right toe tap next to left foot twice
57 - 58 Hook right toe behind left ankle and pivot 1/2 turn left
   October 2000