Choreographed by Glennys Croston (U.K) E.Mail GlennysCroston@aol.com 
Description  40 Count - 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance
Music  Walking on Sunshine - Dolly Parton Start 32 Counts in - 118 bpm
C.D. Treasures

Sect 1 	Travel right, side behind, side cross, step right touch, out in,
1-4 	Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right
5-8 	Step right to side, touch left toe to right instep, touch left out to side,
	touch left toe to right instep.
Sect 2
9-16 	Repeat steps 1-8 to left side
Sect 3 	Rolling vine to right, clap, rolling vine to left, clap.
17-20 	Step right foot a 1/4 turn right, turn 1/4 right, stepping left to side,
	step 1/2 turn right stepping on right to side, touch left toe to right instep, clap.
21-24 	Repeat steps 17-20 to left side.
Sect 4 	Forward, touch, clap, forward, touch, clap, 1/2 right, monterey turn
25-28 	Step diagonal forward on right, touch left toe to right instep, clap,
	step diagonal forward on left, touch right toe to left instep, clap.
29-32 	Touch right toe to right side, turn 1/2 turn right, bring right beside left,
	touch left toe to left side, bring left beside right putting weight on left.
Sect 5 	Toe switches, hold clap, rock forward, back, back, forward.
33&34& 	Touch right to side, bring right beside left, touch left to side, bring left beside right,
35-36 	touch right to side, hold, clap.
37-40 	Rock forward on right, back on left, rock back on right, forward on left.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk July 2005