Walk on faith
Choreographed by 	Chris & Andrew Sparkes – 01362 820820 M 07771727397
Description; 	Intermediate partner dance in the two step foot pattern,
		step 1 & 2 on one beat of music each, step 3 & 4 on two beats of music each
		Starting in VW (hands crossed in front of you) side by side (not Sweetheart)
		All sections start with the Gent on Left foot, Lady on Right foot
Music; 		Walk on faith by Mike Reid
		I can’t dance by Ricochet, or your favorite two step tune
1-6 	Both step forward Lady on R, Gent on L, Q,Q,S,S, hands in WV position gents hand on top

7 12 	Gent step L behind R side R on Q,Q, tog L, for R, S.S
	Lady make full turn CCW on Q,Q,S,S, 4 X ¼ turns, traveling slightly forward
13-18 	Both step forward Lady on R, Gent on L, Q,Q,S,S,

19-24 	Gent rock back on L, recover on R, step forward left, right, Q,Q,S,S,
	Lady make ½ turn CW on Q,Q, step back right, left, S,S,
25 -30 	Both rock back Lady on R, Gent on L, Q,Q, come together into Closed Western ,S,S,

31 -36 	Basic two step lady traveling back on R Gent traveling forward on L, Q,Q,S,S,
37 -42 	Gent raises left arm passing under on Q,Q, making ½ turn CCW on S,S,
	Lady step forward Q,Q, making ½ turn CW under gents arm on S,S,

43 -48 	Gent step backwards on Q,Q,S,S,
	Lady make full turn CW under gents arm on Q,Q, step forward on S,S,
	Change to crossed hands gents left on top

49 -54 	Gent make ½ turn on Q,Q, beside the lady, forward on S,S,
	Lady step to side on Q,Q, step forward on S,S,