Two Old Friends

Choreographed by 	Linda and Dave Benton
Description 	36 Count Beginner Stationary Partner Waltz Dance is done in the
		closed position with the man facing line of dance
Music: 		Old Friends - Scooter Lee
	Man Lady
1-6] 	Waltz Forward and Back 			Waltz Backward and Forward
1-3 	Step forward on left, Step right next to left, 	Step backward on right, Step left next to right
	Step left in place 				Step right in place
4-6 	Step backward on right, Step left next to right, 	Step forward on left, Step right next to left,
	Step right in place 				Step left in place

7-12 	Two Twinkles Forward 			Two Twinkles Backward
1-3 	Cross left in front of right. Step right to the right, 	Cross right behind left, Step left to the left,
	Step forward on the left 			Step back on the right
4-6 	Cross right in front of left, Step left to the left, 	Cross left behind right, Step right to the right,
	Step forward on the right. 			Step back on the left

13-18 	Two Twinkles Forward 			Two Twinkles Backward
1-3 	Cross left in front of right, Step right to the right. 	Cross right behind left, Step left to the left,
	Step forward on the left. 			Step back on the right
4-6 	Cross right in front of left, Step left to the left, 	Cross left behind right, Step right to the right,
	Step forward on the right 			Step back on the left.

19-24 	Waltz Forward and Back 			Waltz Backward and Forward
1-3 	Step forward on left, Step right next to left,		Step backward on right, Step left next to right
	Step left in place 				Step right in place
4-6 	Step backward on right, Step left next to right, 	Step forward on left, Step right next to left
	Step right in place 				Step left in place

25-30 	Waltz Forward X 2 				Turn and Waltz Back
1-3 	Step forward on left, Step right next to left,		Full turn to the right under your right arm
	Step left in place 				and partner's left arm -RLR
4-6 	Step forward on the right, Step left next to right, 	Step back on the left, Step right next to left
	Step right in place 				Step left in place

31-36	 Turn and Waltz Back 			Waltz Forward X 2
1-3	 Full turn to the left under your left arm and	Step forward on the right, Step left next to right,
	your partner's right arm –LRL			Step right in place
4-6 	Step backward on right, Step left next to right, 	Step forward on left, Step right next to left,
	Step right in place. 				Step left in place
	Repeat: 					January 2020