Choreographed By 	Jim & Nen Godsall 07/08 - 01432 760592
Description	64 Count Partner Dance, Opposite Footwork Unless Otherwise Stated, Man’s Steps Listed
		Facing LOD, Man on Inside, Lady on Outside Slightly Ahead of Man, Holding Inside Hands
Music		Smilin’ Song - Vince Gill – CD: These Days - 120 bpm
		Make Her Fall In Love With Me Song - George Strait - CD: Troubadour - 120 bpm
Side Rock, Cross Shuffle (Changing Sides), Step ½ Pivot x 2
1-4 	Step Left to side, rock onto Right, release hands, Left cross shuffle over Right to change sides,
	Man passing behind Lady
5-8 	Step fwd Right, pivot ½ turn Left to face RLOD, step fwd Right, pivot ½ turn Left to face LOD,
	re-join inside hands (Easier Option: Rock fwd Right, back Left, rock back Right, fwd Left)
	Both facing LOD, Man on outside, holding inside hands
Turning Shuffles Towards LOD x 3, Back Rock
9-12 	Release hands, make ½ turn Left on Right shuffle towards LOD, make ½ turn Left on Left shuffle towards LOD
13-16 	Make ½ turn Left on Right shuffle towards LOD, picking up inside hands, rock back Left, rock fwd Right
	(Easier Option: Replace counts 11-14 with Left and Right shuffles back)
	Both facing RLOD, Man on outside, holding inside hands
Both: Step ½ Pivot Shuffle; Man: Walk Walk Shuffle; Lady: 1½ Turns
17-20 	Step fwd Left, release hands, pivot ½ turn Right picking up inside hands, Left shuffle fwd into LOD
21-24 	Man: Walk fwd Right, Left (small steps), Right shuffle fwd
	Lady: Make ½ turn Right stepping back Left, passing under Man’s Left and Lady’s Right arms make
	½ turn Right stepping fwd Right into LOD, make ½ turn Right on Left shuffle towards LOD to face Man
	Both facing Partner, Man facing LOD, Lady facing RLOD, Lady’s Right and Man’s Left hands held
Man: Fwd Rock, ½ Turn Shuffle; Lady: Back Rock Shuffle; Both: Step ½ Pivot, Shuffle
25-28 	Man: Rock fwd Left, rock back Right, make ½ turn Left on Left shuffle (small)
	to face RLOD, going under Man’s Left and Lady’s Right arms
	Lady: Rock back Right, rock fwd Left, Right shuffle fwd towards left diagonal to end on outside
	Both facing RLOD, Man on inside, holding inside hands
29-32 	Step fwd Right, release hands, pivot ½ turn Left picking up inside hands, Right shuffle fwd towards LOD
	Both facing LOD, Man on inside, holding inside hands
Full Turn Towards LOD, ¼ Turn Side Shuffle, Cross Behind, ¼ Turn, Shuffle ½ Turn
33-36 	Release hands, make ½ turn Right towards LOD stepping back Left, make ½ turn Right towards
	LOD stepping fwd Right (Easier Option: Walk fwd Left Right), make ¼ turn Right (to face)
	on Left side shuffle, picking up double-hand hold
37-40 	Cross Right behind Left, release Man’s Left and Lady’s Right hands, make ¼ turn Left
	stepping fwd Left into LOD, release hands and make ½ turn Left on Right shuffle towards LOD,
	picking up inside hands
	Both facing RLOD, Man on inside, holding inside hands
Back Rock, ½ Turn Shuffle, Back Rock ½ Turn Shuffle
41-44 	Rock back Left, rock fwd Right, release hands and make ½ turn Right towards RLOD
	on Left shuffle, picking up inside hands
	Both facing LOD, Man on inside, holding inside hands
45-48 	Rock back Right, rock fwd Left, release hands, make ½ turn Left towards LOD on Right shuffle,
	picking up inside hands
	Both facing RLOD, Man on inside, holding inside hands
½ Turn, Walk, Shuffle, Walk Walk Shuffle
49-52 	Release hands, make ½ turn Left stepping fwd Left into LOD, picking up inside hands,
	step fwd Right, Left shuffle fwd
53-56 	Walk fwd Right, Left, Right shuffle fwd Both facing LOD, Man on inside, holding inside hands

Step ½ Pivot, ½ Turn Shuffle, Back Rock, Shuffle
57-60 	Step fwd Left, release hands, pivot ½ turn Right, make ½ turn Right on Left shuffle towards RLOD,
	picking up inside hands, facing LOD
61-64 	Rock back Right, rock fwd Left, Right shuffle fwd
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert September 2008