Choreographed by Rick & Deborah Bates (219)365-8319 E-Mail bates@netnitco.net
Description  32 Count, Partner Dance in Indian Position, facing FLOD
Music “Lucky Me, Lucky You” by Lee Roy Parnell
“Enough To Lie” by Monty Holmes
“I’ll Tell You What” by Rick Tippe

 Squat, Stand Up, Side Extension, Rock Step, Full CW Turn
1 - 2 Bend knees and lower body; Straighten knees and stand upright
3 - 4 With body facing forward, turn head and Right leg toward 3 o’clock and extend Right leg and  Right arm to the Right; Bring Right leg and Right arm to center and turn head forward
 5- 6 Step forward on RIGHT ; Rock back onto LEFT
Release Left hands and raise Right hands. Partners turn under upraised joined hands.
7- 8 Pivot 1/2 turn CW on ball of Left  and step forward on RIGHT ; Pivot 1/2 turn CW on ball of Right 
and step LEFT  next to Right
Rejoin hands back in the Indian Position.
Rock Step, Walk Forward
9 -10 Step back on RIGHT ; Rock forward onto LEFT
11-12 Step forward on RIGHT , n LEFT
Note: Man does the following steps almost in place allowing partner to end to the right of Man.
MAN: Diagonal Step-Slide Right, Together   LADY: Diagonal Rolling Turn, Together
Release Left hands and raise Right hands. Lady turns under upraised joined hands....
13-14 Step forward and diagonally to the Right  on RIGHT ; Slide LEFT  next to  Right       Step forward and diagonally to the Right on RIGHTand begin a full CW turn traveling to the Right; Step on LEFT and continue full CW traveling turn
15-16 Step forward and diagonally to the Right  on RIGHT ; Step LEFT  next to Right Step on RIGHT  and complete full CW traveling turn; Step LEFT  next to Right
Rejoin hands in the Right Side-By-Side Position
Syncopated Heel Switches, Toe-Heel Struts
17& Touch RIGHT heel forward; Step RIGHT  to home
18& Touch LEFT heel forward; Step LEFT  to home
19-20 Step forward on RIGHT toe; Lower RIGHT heel down onto floor
21&  Touch LEFT heel forward; Step LEFT  to home
22& Touch RIGHT heel forward; Step RIGHT  to home
23-24 Step forward on LEFT toe; Lower LEFT heel down onto floor
Walk Forward, Forward Shuffle
25-26 Step forward on RIGHT ; Step forward on LEFT
27-28 Shuffle forward (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT)
Note:  Man does the following steps almost in place allowing partner to end in front of Man.
MAN: Diagonal Step-Slide Left, Together                     LADY: Diagonal Rolling Turn, together
Release Left hands and raise Right hands. Lady turns under upraised joined hands
29-30 Step forward and diagonally to the Left on LEFT ; Slide RIGHT next Left  and step    Step forward and diagonally to the Left on LEFT and begin a full CCW turn traveling to the Left; Step on RIGHTand continue full CCW traveling turn
31-32 Step forward and diagonally to the Left on LEFT ; Step RIGHT  next to Left     Step on LEFT  and complete full CCW Traveling turn; Step RIGHT  next to Left        
Rejoin hands in the Indian Position.
Begin  Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk May 2001