Choreographed by Mick Harris. ( Description: 32 count partner dance. Opposite footwork throughout. Begin in sweetheart position. Do not release hands during this dance. Music: Tryin` to fall in love - Toby Keith. (CD: Clancy`s Tavern) Start: on the vocal line "I fell in love with Linda" (34 beats in).
MAN`S STEPS. Cross Rock, Shuffle, Walk, Walk, Shuffle. 1-2 Cross R over L, recover on L. 3&4 shuffle fwd RLR 5-6 Walk fwd L, R. 7&8 Shuffle fwd LRL.
Step ¼ Turn, Side Behind Side Cross, Step Turn Step, Shuffle ½ Turn. 1-2 Step fwd on R turning ¼ R, step L to left side. 3&4 Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R across L.(OLOD). 5&6 Step L to left side turning ¼ R, step fwd on L. (RLOD). 7&8 Shuffle ½ turn L stepping RLR. (LOD).
Coaster Step, Kick Ball Change, Step, Step ¼, Cross Shuffle. 1&2 Step back on L, step R next to L, step fwd on L. 3&4 Kick fwd on R, step down on R next to L, step L in place. 5-6 Step fwd on R, step fwd on L turning ¼ R (OLOD). 7&8 Step R across L, step L slightly to L side, step R across L.
½ L Rumba Step, Side Close Side, ¼ L Turning Coaster 1-2 Step L to L side, close R next to L. 3&4 Shuffle fwd LRL. 5&6 Step R to R side, close L next to R, step R to R side. 7&8 Step back on L turning ¼ L, step R next to L, step fwd on L. (LOD).
LADIES STEPS. Cross Rock, Shuffle, Walk Walk Shuffle. 1-2 Cross L over r, recover on R. 3&4 Shuffle fwd LRL. 5-6 Walk fwd R, L. 7&8 Shuffle fwd RLR.
Step ¼ Turn, Side Behind Side Cross, Step Turn Step, Shuffle ½ Turn. 1-2 Step fwd on L turning ¼ L, step R to R side 3&4 Step L behind R, step R to R side, step L across R. (ILOD). 5&6 Step R to side turning ¼ L, step fwd on R, (RLOD). 7&8 Shuffle ½ turn R stepping LRL (LOD).
Coaster Step, Kick Ball Change, Step, Step ¼, Cross Shuffle. 1&2 Step back on R, step L next to R, step fwd on R. 3&4 Kick fwd on L, step down on L next to R, step R in place. 5-6 Step fwd on L, step fwd on R turning ¼ L (ILOD). 7&8 Step L across R, step R slightly to R side, step L across R.
½ R Rumba Step, Side Close Side, ¼ R Turning Coaster Step. 1-2 Step R to R side, close L next to R,. 3&4 Shuffle back RLR. 5&6 Step L to L side, close R next to L, step L to L side. 7&8 Step back on R turning ¼ R, step L next to R, step fwd on R. (LOD)
Every effort
has been made to ensure these cue Sheets
are accurate, Should you find any errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | November 2011 |