Tropical Christmas
Choreographed by John & Bonnie Newcomer 
Description 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line/partner dance
Footwork is the same for both except where noted
Music Tropical Christmas by The Bellamy Brothers- 114 bpm - 
CD: Tropical Christmas
I Only See You - Marie Haslemore

1-2 Right rock forward, then left step down Right step forward, then pivot on left 1/2 turn left
3&4 Right shuffle backward Right turning shuffle making ½ turn left
5-6 BOTH: Left rock back, then right foot step down
7&8 BOTH: Left shuffle forward


BOTH: Right vine
12 BOTH: Left touch next to right 
13-15 Left vine Left rolling vine
16 BOTH: Right scuff forward


BOTH: Right shuffle forward
19-20 Left step forward, then pivot on right 1/2 turn right Left rock forward, then right step down
21&22 Left turning shuffle making 1/2 turn right Left shuffle backward
23-24 BOTH: Right rock back, then left step down


BOTH: Right turning shuffle making 1/2 turn left
27&28 BOTH: Left turning shuffle making ½ turn left
29-30 Right step across left, Left step back
31-32 BOTH: Right step ¼ turn right, Left step next to right