Triple Cross

Choreographed by 	Dan Albro, USA (2016)
Description 	32 counts Intermediate partner Dance hands free mode
		Man facing OLOD and woman facing ILOD. The steps of a man
		and woman are of the opposite type, except where indicated
Music: 		Wasted Time - Keith Urban - 16 count Intro
1-8 	Sugar Foot, Rocking Chair, Sugar Foot, Rock Step, Touch
1& 	Point left inside the R - left heel inside the R	Point R within the L - heel inside the L
2 	Stomp Down left forward 			Stomp Down right forward
3& 	Rock right forward - recover to left 		Rock forward - back onto right
4& 	Rock right behind - recover to left 		Rock left behind - back on right
5& 	Point R within the L - heel inside theL 		Point left inside the R - Heel L inside the R
6 	Stomp Down right forward 			Stomp Down left forward
	position Open Double Hand Hold, man facing OLOD and woman facing ILOD
7&8 	Rock fwd - back on the R - tip L next to right 	Rock right fwd - recover to left - Touch R next to L
9-16 	M: Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Shuffle Fwd, 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Turn To Left And Hunting,
	L: Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Shuffle Fwd, 1/2 Turn, 1 / 2 turn, 1/4 turn to right And Hunt,
1&2 	Shuffle left, right, left, 1/4 turn left 		Shuffle right, left, right, 1/4 turn right
	Position right Open Promenade facing LOD
3&4 	Shuffle right, left, right, advancing 		Shuffle left, right, left, advancing Release hands
5-6 	1/2 turn to the right and left back – 		1/2 turn to the left and right behind
	1/2 turn right and right over 			1/2 turn left stepping forward
7&8 	1/4 turn right and Chassé L-R-L, side, left 		1/4 turn left and Chassé R-L-R, side, right
	Position Open Double hand Hold, man facing OLOD and woman facing ILOD
17-24 	(Sailor Step) X2, Behind, side, Cross, Side, Cross, Side, Cross,
1&2 	Cross right behind left - left to left - right to right 	Cross left behind right - right to right - left to left
3&4 	Cross left behind R - right to right - left to left	Cross right behind left - left to left - right to right
5&6 	Cross right behind left - left to left – 		Crossing the left behind right - right to right
	Cross right over left 				Cross left over right
&7 	Left to left - cross right over left 		Right to right - cross left over right
&8 L	eft to left - cross right over left 			Right to right - cross left over right
25-32 . 	Side Rock Step, Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock Step, Coaster Step
1-2 	Rock left to left - back on the R 			Rock right to right - recover to left
3&4 	Cross left behind right - right to right – 		Cross right behind left - left to left
	Cross left over right 				Cross right over left
5-6 	Rock right to right - Back on L 			Rock left to left - back on right
	Release hands away from each other
7&8 	Right behind - left beside right - right over 		Left behind - right beside L - left forward