Choreographed By 	Malcolm Owen & Jan Smith - 0870 6061490
Description	Intermediate, 64 Count partner dance with 2 X 16 Count tags.
		(If using recommended music)
Music.		Stand by your man - Dixie Chicks.
Note:		Dance 64 counts 3 times through followed by the 16 count tag then dance
		64 counts 2 times through followed by the 16 count tag.

1&23&4 	Left shuffle, right shuffle forward
5-6	Rock Left to side & recover (Lady rocks left in front of man)
7&8 9&10	Left shuffle, Right Shuffle, forwards
11-12	Rock left forward & recover
13-16	Walk back L. R. L touch right back 

17-18	Step right forwards pivot 1/2 turn left (Raise left hands)
19-20 	Step right forwards pivot 1/2 turn left drop right hands)
21-24 	Right. Shuffle, Left Shuffle, forward, (Rejoin Hands Sweetheart)
25-26 	Rock right foot to side & recover (Gent rocks rt. behind lady)
27-30	Right Shuffle, Left Shuffle. forward
31-32	Rock Right forward & recover

33-36	Walk back R L R touch-left back
37-38 	Step left forwards pivot 1/2 turn right (Raise right hands
39-40	Step left forwards pivot 1/2 turn right drop left hands)
41-44	Grapevine Left three steps. touch right (Rejoin in sweetheart)
45-48	Man: Grapevine right kick left diagonally across right
	Lady: Step right across left commencing 1/2 turn right on L-R, kick left diagonally across right
	(Drop right hands raise left to turn) [Lady now faces reverse LOD. until count 60]

49-52	Man: Grapevine left kick right diagonally across left
	Lady: Roll full turn left L. R. L across in front of man kick right diagonally across left
	(Raise left Joined hands change hands on turn)
53-56	Man.. Grapevine right kick left diagonally across right
	Lady. Roll full turn right R L. R. across in front of man kick left diagonally across right
	(Raise right joined hands change hands on turn)
57-60 	Man: Grapevine left kick right diagonally across left
	Lady: Roll full turn left L. R. L across in front of man kick right diagonally across left
	(Raise left joined hands change hands on turn)
61 -64	Man.. Walk Forwards R. L. R touch left. 
	Lady Turn 1.1/4 times Right R L R. touch left (Right hands still joined, rejoin in sweetheart)

1-2	Both Step left forward pivot 1/2 turn right (Raise left hands drop right)
3-4	Step left turning ¼ right, cross right behind left
5-8 	Step left turning 1/4 left, step forward on right Pivot 1/2 turn to left (sweetheart)
	step forward on right
9-10 	Step left forward, step forward right turning 1/4 left (Right hands joined only)
11-12 	Cross left behind right step right side turning 1/4 right
13-16	Man: Step Left 1/4 turn Right Cross right behind Left, step side Left, Cross right behind left.
	Lady: Step left commencing 1/2 turn, step right 1/2 turn, Step left turn, cross right behind left.
	(Total 1.1/4 Sway type turn) [Rejoin both hands and, on second tag lady curtsies on last
	beats of song]

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert

July 2000