Trail Of Tears
Choreographed by David Cheshire
Description: 64 count, 2 wall line dance
Music: Trail Of Tears - Billy Ray Cyrus

1-2 Tap right heel forward & diagonally right, tap right toe forward & diagonally left
3-4 Tap right heel forward & diagonally right, touch right next to left
5-6 Step to the right on right foot, slide left over next to right and step
7-8 Repeat steps 5-6
9-10 Step to right on right, cross left over right
11-12 Unwind 1/2 turn to the right, stomp right next to left
13-14 Tap left heel forward & diagonally left, tap left toe forward & diagonally right
15-16 Tap left heel forward & diagonally left, touch left next to right
17-18 Step to the left on left, slide right over next to left and step
19-20 Repeat steps 17-1 8
21-22 Step to left on left, cross right over left
23-24 Unwind 1/2 turn to the left, stomp left next to right
25-26 Point right toe behind, switch feet (step on right & tap left heel forward)
27 Step on left & point right toe behind & turn body 1/4 turn left at the same time
28 Switch feet (step on right foot & tap left heel forward)
29 Step on left & point right toe behind & turn body 1/4 turn left at the same time
30 Switch feet (step on right foot & tap left heel forward)
31 Step on left & point right toe behind & turn body 1/4 turn left at the same time
32 Hold one beat
33-34 Stomp right next to Left twice
35-36 Step forward onto right, pivot 1/2 turn to the left on right & shift weight to left
37-38 Step forward on right, scoot forward on right while hitching left knee
39-40 Step forward on left, scoot forward on left while hitching right knee
41-44 Repeat steps 37-40
45-46 Step back on right, step back on left foot making a 1/4 turn to the right with the step
47&48 Triple step in place right-left-right (last beat of triple step touch right next to left leaving weight on left
49-50 Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn to the left an right & shift weight to left
51-52 Repeat steps 49-50
53-54 Scoot back on left while hitching right knee, step down on right
55-56 Scoot back on right while hitching left knee, step down on left
57-58 Scoot back on left while hitching right knee, step down on right
59-60 Scoot back on right while hitching left knee, step down on left
61&62 Cross right behind left, Step Slightly to left on left, Step right next to left
63&64 Cross Left behind right, step slightly to right on right, step left next to right