Tougher Than The Rest
1-2 Step forward on right, lock left behind right 3&4 Right shuffle forward, stepping right, left, right 5-6 Step forward on left, lock right behind left 7&8 Left shuffle forward, stepping left, right, leftCouples start in sweetheart position, steps identical for both ladies & gents – start on vocalsSTEP, LOCK & SHUFFLE (X2)
ROCK, RECOVER, ¼ TURNING SHUFFLE, WEAVE & POINT9-10 Rock forward on right, recover weight back on left 11&12 Make ¼ turn right, shuffling right, left right 13-16 Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right, point right toe to right side.
¼ TURNING BOX STEP, TOE STRUT, ½ TURNING SHUFFLE17-18 Cross right over left, step back on left making ¼ turn right 19-20 Step right next to left, touch left toe back 21-22 Touch left toe forward, drop left heel to floor 23&24 1/2 left turning shuffle, stepping right, left, right
ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE, TOE STRUTS25-26 Rock back on left, recover weight forward on right 27&28 Shuffle forward left, right, left 29-30 Touch right toe forward, drop right heel to floor 31-32 Touch left toe forward, drop left heel to floor Start again & enjoy
effort has been made to ensure these cue
Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | September 2002 |