Toes in the Water

Choreographed by	Pete Cribdon –  – August 2009
Description	64 count partner dance. Same footwork throughout.
		Start facing LOD. Right side by side, (sweetheart) position.
Music: 		Toes – The Zac Brown Band (60 count intro) CD: The Foundation - Get CD Here
	Rumba Box Back
1 – 8 	Step left to left side, right together, step back left, hold.
	Step right to right side, Left together, step fwd right, hold
	Hip Bumps, Hold x 2
9 – 16 	Step slightly fwd left at the same time bump hips LRL, hold
	Step slightly fwd right at the same time bump hips RLR, hold
	Rock Back, Step FWD, Hold
17 – 20 	Rock back left, recover fwd right, step fwd left, hold.
	Walk Fwd x 2
21 – 28 	Walk fwd right, left, right, hold
	Walk fwd left, right, left, hold
	¼ Monterey Turns x 2
29 - 36 	Touch right toe out to right, make a 1/4 turn to right placing right beside left.
	Touch left toe out to left, step left beside right
	(Both facing OLOD, Indian position, man behind the lady)
	Touch right toe out to right, make a 1/4 turn to right placing right beside left
	Touch left toe out to left, step left foot beside right
	(Both facing RLOD, in reverse sweetheart position)
	Rocking Chair
37 - 40 	Rock fwd right, recover back left, rock back right, recover fwd left
	¼ Monterey Turns x 2
41 - 48 	Touch right toe out to right, make a 1/4 turn to right placing right beside left
	Touch left toe out to left, step left beside right
	(Man drops lady's left hand and raises right arm, during 1/4 turn to the right)
	Touch right toe out to right, make a 1/4 turn to right placing right beside left
	Touch left toe out to left, step left beside right
	(Man picks up lady's left hand, resuming sweetheart position facing LOD)
	Rocking Chair
49 - 52	Rock fwd right, recover back left, rock back right, recover fwd left
	Step Slide Step Brush x 2
53 - 60 	Step right fwd, slide left up to right, step right fwd, brush left
	Step left fwd, slide right up to left, step left fwd, brush right
	Side Together, Cross, Hold
61 - 64 	Step right to right side, step left next to right, cross right over left, HOLD
	Start Again