Choreographed By	Susan Davies - 3/12/96 0121 605 6987
Description	Couples dance - Sweetheart Hold
Music		I'm Gonna Miss you - Michael Martin Murphy

1 -4	Cross left over front of right, rock back onto right, Cha cha cha (L-R-L) 
5-8	Cross Right over front of left, rock back onto left, Cha cha cha (R-L-R)
9-12	Step forward on the left, point the right to the side, Step forward on the right, point the left to the side,
13-16	Touch left toe to the right side of the right, Kick left forward, cha cha cha backwards, (L-R-L)

17-20	MAN - Touch right toe to the left side of the left, Kick right forward, Turning 1/2 turn
	backwards to the right, cha cha cha (R-L-R),
	(Now facing RLOD)
	LADY - Touch right toe to the left side of the left, Kick right forward. Walk back right left
	(still facing line of dance). Hand hold Man's left palm to lady's left palm.

21-24 	MAN - Rock. forward onto left , Rock back onto right, Turning 1/2 turn to left, cha cha cha (L-R-L)
	travelling to the left, 
	LADY - Rock back onto right , rock forward onto left, Turning 1/2 turn to the left, cha cha cha (R-L-R,)
	travelling to right,
	Change hand hold - Man's right palm to Lady's right palm.
25-28 	MAN - Rock forward onto right, rock back onto left , cha cha cha backwards, (R-L-R)
	LADY- Rock back onto left, rock forwards onto right . Turning 1/2 turn to the right cha cha cha (L-R-L) 
	Hand hold - man's right 'holding Lady's left. 

29-32	MAN - Step back onto left, rock forward onto right , cha cha cha forwards, (L-R-L) 
	LADY- Step back onto right, rock forward onto left, cha cha cha forwards, (R-L-R) 

33-36	MAN - Walk forward right, left, cha cha cha forwards (R-L-R)
	LADY - Walk forward left, right, cha cha cha forwards (L-R-L)
37-44 	MAN - Turning a full turn to the left moving in a small circle Walk left, right, cha cha cha (L-R-L)
	Walk right left, cha cha cha (R-L-R)
	LADY - Turning a full turn to the right moving in a small circle waik right, left, cha cha cha (R-L-R)
	Walk left, right, left, right, Back into sweetheart hold, weight on right
	Start Again.

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert


June 2000