This Could Be Heaven
Choreographed by 	Free Spirit [UK] March, 2010 ~ 01248 715410
Description 	2-wall, 32-count, beginner line dance
Music 		Heaven For Everyone - Queen CD: Queen, Absolute Greatest
		Start when Freddie sings, "in these DAYS" [count 8 x 4 from first chord]
1-8] 	Slow Shuffle to Right, Hip Sways
1-4 	Step right to right side, slide left beside right, step right to right, touch left toe beside right.
5-8 	Sway hips to left, right, left, right, stepping left to left slightly for style.
[9-16] 	Jazz Box, Turn, Hip Sways
1-4 	Cross left in front of right, step right back, turn ¼ turn left on left, touch right beside left.
5-8 	Sway hips to right, left, right, left, stepping right to right slightly for style.
[17-24] 	Right Grapevine, Left Grapevine, Turn
1-4 	Step right to right side, slightly forward, step left behind right,
	step right to right side, touch left beside right foot.
[*Opt. 	turning grapevine here if you wish.]
5-8 	Step left to left side, slightly forward, step right behind left,
	step left to left making ¼ turn left, touch right beside left.
[25-32] 	Step, Touch Right and Left, Hip Sways
1-4 	Step right forward on right diagonal, touch left beside right;
	step left back on same diagonal, touch right beside left.
5-8 	Sway hips to right, left, right, left, stepping right to right slightly for style.
	Begin again.
Choreographer’s note: At certain places in this track, you can emphasise
	the meaning of the words by striking a "Freddy Mercury pose" momentarily – right arm
	straight up, left arm straight back – if you wish.
	The music will fade out at the end. Raise both arms, hands open.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert March 2010