Choreographed by Jan Wyllie, 4 Pebble Court, Torquay, Hervey Bay, 4655 
P/F 0741 255534  23/04/02
Description 32 counts, 4 walls, Easy Int. level,     
Music She Rocks Me by Donna Fisk and Michael Christian.

1-4	Rock back on R, Rock fwd on L, Rock fwd on R, Rock back on L
5&6	Step back on R, Step L beside R, Step fwd on R (coaster step)
7&8	Shuffle fwd L,R,L

9-12	Step fwd on R, Scuff L fwd, Step L across R, Step back on R
13-16	Step back on L towards left diagonal, Scuff R fwd, Step R over L, Step      back on L

17&18	Step R to right, Step L beside R, Making 1/4 turn right step fwd on R
19,20	Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/4 turn right transferring weight to R
21&22	Shuffle fwd L,R,L
23-24	Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 turn left transferring weight to L

25-26	Rock/step fwd on R, Rock back on L
27&28	Step back on R, Lock L across R, Step back on R
29-30	Touch L straight back, Unwind 1/2 left keeping weight on R
31&32	Shuffle back L,R,L
                    *There is one restart on wall 5. After count 16 just restart the dance again.
Big Bear from N.Z. sent me this song - and I thank him for it because it's really good 
country music by a couple of Aussie singers. Donna Fisk and Michael Christian - listen for 
those names because you will hear a lot more of them I am sure. At the end, the music slows 
down..  Just keep dancing at the same pace  and you will finish with the pivot at count 24.
Make this pivot a 3/4  instead of a 1/4 - so that you face the front. It's an easy dance and 
the restart doesn't change that. I hope you enjoy it.
See you on the floor sometime.......  Jan
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert July 2002