The Right Place
Choreographed by: Brian Woodford   (for The Magpie Cancer Centre Campaign, Winchester)
Description 64 Count 2 Wall Beginner/Intermediate Level
Music The Right Place - The Derailers
16 Counts intro. (Start on lyrics)

Dip walk forward, forward rock, turn shuffle
1-2 Walk forward on rt., walk forward on lt.
3-4 Walk forward on rt., point lt. toe to lt. side
(dip down on knees as you walk forward, straighten up on count 4)
5-6 Rock forward on lt., recover on rt.
7&8 1/2 turn shuffle lt. stepping lt., rt., lt.
9-16 Repeat counts 1 to 8
Forward rock, coaster step, side rock, cross hold
17-18 Rock forward on rt., recover on lt.
19&20 Step back on rt., step lt. next to rt., step forward on rt.
21-22 Rock to the side on lt., recover on rt.
23-24 Cross step lt. over rt., hold for one count
Side rock, cross hold, forward rock, coaster step
25-26 Rock to the side on the rt., recover on lt.
27-28 Cross step rt. over lt., hold for one count
29-30 Rock forward on lt., recover on rt.
31&32 Step back on lt., step rt. next to lt., step forward on lt.
Kick kick, back touch, step kick, back touch
33-34 Kick rt. forward twice
35-36 Step back on rt., touch lt. toe back
37-38 Step forward on lt., kick rt. forward
39-40 Step back on rt., touch lt. toe back
Step turn, crossing shuffle, side strut, cross strut
41-42 Step forward on lt., pivot 1/4 turn rt.
43&44 Cross step lt. over rt., step rt. to side, cross step lt. over rt.
45-46 Step rt. toe to rt. side, lower rt. heel
47-48 Cross step lt. toe over rt., lower lt. heel
Side rock, crossing shuffle, side strut, cross strut
49-50 Rock to the side on rt., recover on lt.
51&52 Cross step rt. over lt., step lt. to side, cross step rt. over lt.
53-54 Step lt. toe to lt. side, lower lt. heel
55-56 Cross step rt. toe over lt., lower rt. heel
Side turn, turn strut, turn strut, step point
57-58 Step to the side on lt., make 1/4 turn rt. stepping forward on rt.
59-60 Make 1/2 turn rt. stepping back on on lt. toe, lower lt. heel
61-62 Make 1/2 turn rt. stepping forward on rt. toe, lower rt. heel
63-64 Step forward on lt., point rt. to side
Option for counts 59 to 62: toe struts forward, lt. strut, rt. strut
Dance 4 count tag after walls 2, 4 & 6 (You will be facing start wall each time)
Tag: Bump, bump, bump, bump
1, Step rt. small step to rt. bumping hips rt. 2, bump hips lt.
3, bump hips rt. 4, bump hips lt.
Finish.  Dance ends on count 40 (touch lt. toe back)
Man: Bow head & push arms out from sides & hold
Lady: Bend knees(curtsey) & push arms out from sides & hold
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2006