The Flyboy & The Kid

Choreographer 	Eddie Morrison (Scotland) April 2014 -
Description 	34 Count, 4 wall Improver Line Dance
Music 		The Flyboy & The Kid - Rodney Crowell
		Intro Start on the word May

Sect 1 	Right rumba box back, left coaster step. Right step lock step, step ¼ turn right cross.
1&2 	Step right to the side step left beside right step back on right
3&4 	Step back on left step right beside left, step forward on left
5&6 	Step forward on right lock left behind right step forward right
7&8 	Step forward on left making ¼ turn right hold, cross left over right

Sect 2 	Weave right - Weave left. Hitch ½ turn left shuffle , Hitch ½ turn right shuffle.
1&2& 	Step right to side step left behind right, rock right to the side recover on left
3&4 	Step right behind left step left to the side cross right over left.
5&6& 	Hitch on left making ½ turn left stepping left right left .
7&8 	Hitch right making ½ turn right stepping right left right.

Sect 3 	Left rocking chair, left step lock step. Right rocking chair right step lock step.
1&2& 	Rock forward on left recover on right rock back on left recover on right
3&4 	Step left forward step right behind left step forward on left.
Restart 	Wall 3 *
5&6& 	Rock forward on right recover on left rock back on right recover on left
7&8 	Step right forward step left behind right step forward on right.

Sect 4 	Left scissor step, back lock back. Sailor ½ turn, Step 1/2 turn step.
1&2 	Step left to the side step right beside left, cross left over left.
3&4 	Step back on right lock left across right step back on right.
5&6 	Sweep left behind right making a ½ turn left, step right to the side step left to the side.
7&8 	Step forward on right making ½ turn left, step right forward.

Sect 5 	Side rock cross.
1&2 	Rock left to the side cross left over right.

Restart 	Wall 3 after count 20 facing 9 O’clock
Tag 	4 Count Tag at end of Wall 6 facing 6 O’clock: Step right touch left, Step left touch right