That Just About Does It
Choreographed by Diane Girard & Jacques Godin Canada (2012) - 514 983 7375 Description Intermediate partner dance / 64 counts Starting position : « Right Side By Side » an and lady’s steps are identical except where noted Music: That Just About Does It, Don’t It - Willie Nelson
1-8 SHUFFLE, STEP, SCUFF X2 !-4 (Diagonally to the left) Forward shuffle LRL, (Diagoanlly to the right) Step forward on R, Scuff L 5-8 Repeat 1-4
9-16 TRAVELING FORWARD SAILOR STEPS, SCUFF X2 1-4 Cross L over R, Step R to right side, (Diagonally to the left) Step L forward, Scuff R 5-8 Cross R over L, Step L to left side, (Diagonally to the right) Step R forward, Scuff L
17-24 MAN: ROCK FWD, SHUFFLE BACK, ROCK BACK, SHUFFLE FORWARD / LADY: ROCK FWD, SHUFFLE ½ TURN, STEP PIVOT ½ TURN, SHUFFLE ½ TURN 1-4 Man: Rock forward L, Recover back on R, Shuffle back LRL Release left hands, raise right hands over lady’s head while lady turns, rejoin left hands under right hands finishing cross hands right on top lady facing RLOD and man LOD Lady: Rock forward on L, Recover back on R, Shuffle LRL ½ turn left RLOD 5-8 Man: Rock back on R, Recover forward on L, Shuffle forward RLR Lady: Step R forward, Pivot ½ turn left on L, Shuffle RLR ½ turn left Now in crossed hands position right hands on top, lady facing RLOD and man LOD
25-32 STEP, TOUCH, ¼ TURN, TOUCH, GRAPEVINE, TOUCH (LADY ROLLING VINE) Keep both hands joined when turning ¼ turn raising right hands over lady’s head finishing in Indian position (man behind lady facing ILOD) 1-4 Man: Step forward L, Touch R next to L, Step forward R ¼ turn left, Touch L next to R ILOD Lady: Step back on L, Touch R next to L, Step R ¼ turn R, Touch L next to R (Indian Position ILOD Release right hands and raise left hands over lady’s head while she turns left on her rolling vine, rejoin right hands back in Indian position 5-8 Man: Grapevine to left L R L, Touch R next to L Lady: Rolling vine full turn left on L R L, Touch R next to L
33-40 SIDE, TOUCH X2, GRAPEVINE, BRUSH (LADY ROLLING VINE) 1-4 Step R to right side, Touch L next to right, Step L to left side, Touch R next to L Release left hands and raise right hands over lady’s head while she turns right on her rolling vine, rejoin left hands back in Indian Position 5-8 Man: Grapevine to right R L R, Brush L Lady: Rolling vine full turn right on R L R, Bruch L
41-48 SAILOR STEPS, BRUSH X2 1-4 Cross L over R, Step R to right side, Step L diagonally to left side, Brush R 5-8 Cross R over L, Step L to left side, Step R diagonally to right side, Brush L
49-56 CROSS OVER, ¼ TURN BACK, ½ TURN INTO HAMMERLOCK, BRUSH, STEP, LOCK, STEP, BRUSH Release left hands and raise right hands over lady’s head while turning, keep right hands in man’s back and rejoin left hands in front facing LOD 1-4 Cross L over R, Step R to right side ¼ turn left RLOD, Step back L ½ turn left LOD, Brush R 5-8 Step R forward, Lock L befind R, Step R forward, Brush L
57-64 STEP, LOCK, STEP, BRUSH, MAN : ROCK FORWARD, STEP TOGETHER, TOUCH / LADY : FULL TURN BACK IN SWEETHEART STARTING POSITION 1-4 Step L forward, Lock R behind L, Step L forward, Brush R Release right hands and raise left hands over lady’s head as she turns 1 full turn left in front of man back into "right Side By Side" 5-8 Man: Rock forward on R, Recover back on L, Step R next to L, Touch L next to R Lady: Full turn left in front of man: Step R to right side turning ¼ turn left, Step back on L ½ turn left, Step R ¼ turn R facing LOD, Touch L next to R Restart: Do the dance 3 times and during the instrumental part eo the first 16 counts and restart the dance from the beginning