Texas Twosome
Choreographed by Angela & Peter Kimber (01993 831248) with Keith & Debbie Meadows Description 64 count partner dance – same feet throughout – start in sweetheart position Music: Texas Time – Keith Urban
1-8 STEP, BRUSH FWD, ACROSS, FWD x 2 1-8 Step RT fwd, brush LT fwd, across RT, fwd, Step LT fwd, brush RT fwd, across LT,fwd
9-16 WALK FWD x 2,SHUFFLE FWD (LADY ½ TURN LT), ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE BACK (LADY FWD) 9-12 Walk fwd RT + LT, shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT (Lady with ½ turn LT to RLOD) (Pass RT hands over Lady’s head as she turns + change to open hand hold) 13-16 Rock fwd LT (Lady back),recover, shuffle back LT,RT,LT (Lady fwd)
17-24 CHASING’ FWD DIAGONAL SHUFFLES x 2, ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE FWD (LADY ½ TURN RT) 17-20 Shuffle diagonally back RT,LT,RT + LT,RT,LT (Lady fwd) (Release LT hands – RT palm to palm, then LT palm to palm on diagonals) 21-24 Rock back RT (Lady fwd),recover, shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT (Lady ½ turn RT to LOD) (Pick up RT hands and pass over Lady’s head into Sweetheart position)
25-32 SHUFFLE ¼ TURN x 2 to RLOD,STEP BACK,CLOSE,WALK FWD x 2 25-28 Shuffle to side LT,RT,LT with ¼ turn RT, shuffle back RT,LT,RT with ¼ turn RT (now facing RLOD) (Remaining in Sweetheart position - Lady ends on inside) 29-32 Step back LT close RT, walk fwd LT + RT
33-40 STEP, BRUSH FWD, ACROSS,FWD x 2 33-40 Step LT fwd, brush RT fwd, across LT,fwd, Step RT fwd, brush LT fwd, across RT,fwd
41-48 ROCK, RECOVER, SIDESHUFFLE ¼ TURN LT,STEP OVER, SIDE, BEHIND, FWD ¼ TURN LT 41-44 Rock fwd LT, recover, side shuffle LT,RT,LT with ¼ turn LT (to OLOD) ( Pass RT hands over Lady’s head + pick up both low behind Man) 45-48 Weave - Step RT over LT,step,LT to side-step RT behind LT, step LT fwd with ¼ turn LT (to LOD)
49-56 CROSS ROCK, RECOVER, SIDE SHUFFLE x 2 49-56 Cross rock RT over LT, recover, side shuffle RLR, Cross rock Lt over RT, recover, side shuffle LRL
57-60 MAN - STEP BEHIND,STEP SIDE,SHUFFLE FWD, LADY – STEP FWD RT + LT with ½ TURN,SHUFFLE FWD with ½ TURN 57-60 Man – Step RT behind,step LT to side,shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT Lady – Step RT + LT fwd with ½ turn RT (to RLOD),shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT with1/2 turn RT (to LOD) (Pick up in Sweetheart)
61-6 STEP FWD,TOUCH,STEP BACK,CLOSE 61-6 Step fwd LT,touch RT,step back RT,close LT Enjoy & Start Again October 2018