The Tennessee Twirl
Choreographed by Alabama (Roy) 01797 363957

38 Count Beginner Intermediate Partner Dance open promenade man
and lady holding inside hands Facing LOD Stepping forward on outside
foot (mans Left, Lady’s Right) Mans steps listed, Lady on Opposite
footwork throughout

Music   What do you say to That – George Strait
I Can’t Get over You – Brooks & Dunn
All Things Made New Again – Suzy Bogguss

Dedicated to Bert & Daph of the Tennessee Western Dance Club. Lydd . Kent
Thank You for many truly memorable evenings at the Club
1-2 Walk Forward Left Right
3&4  Turn 1/4 to face partner on Left, side shuffle Left, right, left
5-6 Step right behind left, step 1/4 to face LOD on left
7&8 Right Shuffle forward
9-10 Rock away from partner on left, [inside hands joined], replace weight on right
11&12 Left shuffle forward to face partner rejoining free hands
13-14 Release trailing hands [mans right] step 1/2 turn to right back to back with partner
rejoin free hands . Release trailing hands [man’s left] step 1/4 turn into LOD
15&16 Right shuffle forward
17-18 Man: passes behind lady raising right hand for lady to pass under, Cross Left over right
turning 1/4 to Left then back on right turning a further 1/4 turn to face RLOD
Lady: passes in front of man under raised arms crossing right over left turning 1/4 right
stepping a further 1/4 turn onto left to end facing RLOD hands still joined
19&20 Shuffle forward RLOD outside foot [man’s left]
21-22 Release hands, Step forward right, pivot 1/2 turn left to LOD
23&24 Right shuffle forward inside hands joined
25-26 Man: passes in front of lady stepping to left on left, step right behind left

Lady: Passes behind man stepping right on right, step left behind right
The hands are changed behind the man releasing the joined hands & picking up the free
hands whilst passing each other, ending facing LOD, Lady on mans right hands joined

27&28 Left Shuffle forward
29-30 Rock forward on Right, back onto Left
31&32 Right shuffle Back
33-34 Rock back onto Left, forward onto right
35&36 Left shuffle forward
37&38 Right shuffle forward


Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert January 2002