Tennessee Teardrops
Choreographed by Rachel & Roy Weightman (2012)~country_storm_4@hotmail.com Description Partner Dance -- Intermediate -- 64 counts Skater Position Same steps, unless where indicated Music Tennessee Teardrops - Marven James - Begin dance after 32 counts
1-8 M:Vine To Right, ½ Rumba Box, Touch L ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, ½ Rumba Box, Touch Man’s left hand passes over lady’s head – Closed western position 1-4 M: Step right to right, cross left behind right, right to right, touch left L: Turn left ¼ to right, right ¼ to right, back left, touch right 5-8 M: Step left to left, touch right beside left, left forward, touch right L: Step right to right, touch left beside right, right back, touch left
9-16 M: ½ Rumba Box, Back Step, Step Scuff L: ½ Rumba Box, Step ¼, Step ¼, Touch 1-4 M: Step right to right, touch left beside right, right back, touch left L: Step left to left, touch right beside left, left forward, touch right 5-8 M: Rock back on left, right, step left, scuff right L: Turn right ¼ to right, left ¼ to right, step right, touch left Man’s left arm passes over lady’s head, lady is LOD to the left of the man
17-24 M: Lock Step, Scuff, Vine To Left, ¼ Right Turn, Scuff L: Lock Step, Scuff, Vine To Right, ¼ Left Turn, Scuff 1-4 M: Right forward, lock step left behind right, right forward, scuff left L: Left forward, lock step right behind left, left forward, scuff right 5-8 M: Left ¼ to right, cross right behind left, step left to left, scuff right L: Right ¼ to left, cross left behind right, step right to right, scuff left Partners are now back to back, hands down
25-32 M: Vine To Right, ½ Turn, Scuff, Vine To Left, Scuff F: Vine To Left ½, Scuff, Vine To Right, Scuff 1-4 M: Step right to right, cross left behind right, right ½ to right, scuff left L: Step left to left, cross right behind left, right ½ to left, scuff right 5-8 M: Step left to left, cross right behind left, step left to left, scuff right L: Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, scuff left Partners are now face to face in a double hand hold
33-40 M: ½ turn steps, touch, step touch, step scuff L: ½ turn steps, touch, step touch, step touch Partners change places while keeping man’s right hand in lady’s left hand in a double hand hold 1-4 M: Advance right, left, right, ½ turn to left, touch left L: Advance left, right, left, ½ turn to right, scuff right 5-8 M: Step left to left, touch right next to left, step right to right, weight on left next to right L: Step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left Partners are now face to face (Man ILOD, lady OLOD)
41-48 M: Vine to right, scuff, vine to left, scuff L: Vine to right, scuff, vine to left, scuff 1-4 M: Step R to R, cross left behind right, right to right, scuff left - Tap hands with partner facing you L: 1-4 Step R to R, cross left behind right, right to right, scuff left - Tap hands with partner facing you 5-8 M:Step L to L, cross right behind left, step left to left, scuff right - Tap hands with partner facing you L: Step L to L, cross right behind left, step left to left, scuff right - Tap hands with partner facing you
49-56 M: Cross, turn ¼, step, scuff, step, scuff L: Rolling vine to right, turn ¼, step, scuff, step, scuff 1-4 M: Step right behind left, step left to left, right turn ¼ to left, scuff left L: Turn 1¼ to the right, scuff left Release left hands, keep right hands, Sweetheart position 5-8 M: Advance left, scuff right, advance right, scuff left L: Advance left, scuff right, advance right, scuff left 57-64 M: Vine to left, scuff, vine to right, step L: Vine to left, scuff, rolling vine to right, touch 1-4 M: Step left to left, cross right behind left, step left to left, scuff right L: Step left to left, cross right behind left, step left to left, scuff right Lady passes under man’s left arm 5-8 M: Step right to right, cross left behind right, right to right, weight on left L:Complete right turn, touch left next to right Begin dance in skaters position Happy Dancing !