1 2 3&4 Man rocks forward on left recovers back on to right and side shuffles a 1/4 turn left. Lady rocks back on right recovers on to left and side shuffles a 1/4 turn right. Both now facing LOD holding inside hands. Man turns a full turn left away from his partner stepping R-L and then shuffles fwd right shuffle Lady turns a full turn right away from her partner stepping L-R and shuffles fwd on a left shuffle. Both now face LOD holding inside hands Rock in recovers and shuffles away from, your partner ¼ turn pivot half turn and shuffle back towards each other 1 2 3&4 Cross rock left over right (Touching hand's) recover & 1/4 turn shuffle away inside LOD step forward on right and pivot half turn left. Right shuffle towards partner. Lady cross rock right over left (touching Hand's) recover and right shuffle a 1/4 turn shuffle away outside 5 6 7&8 Step forward on your left pivot a half turn right & left shuffle back towards your partner. Now facing each other in close western man facing OLOD. Sway left recover (lady right) sailor cross. Sway right recover (lady left) 1/4 turn left (Lady 3/4 turn right) 1 2 3&4 Man side step left swaying hips left recover right. Sailor cross left behind side right cross left over right. Lady's mirror image this 5 6 7&8 Man side step right swaying hips right recover on left. Lady side step left swaying hips left recovers right. Man triple step RLR turning a 1/4 turn left. Drop right hand keeping hold of left lady triple steps a ¾ turn right under raised arm. Man now facing LOD and lady RLOD back in to close western. Walk left right & shuffles walk right left & shuffle 1 2 3&4 Man walks fwd L-R and left shuffle forward. Lady walks back right L-R shuffle backwards 5 6 7&8 Man walks fwd right leR-L and right shuffle forward. Lady walks back L-R, left shuffle back. Walk left rights & shuffles walk right left & shuffle Lady two steps right full turn shuffle & full turn left shuffle. 1 2 3&4 Man walks fwd L-R and left shuffle forward. Release right arm and raise left, lady turns a full turns right stepping right left and right shuffles back 5 6 7&8 Man walks fwd R-L and right shuffle forward. Raising left arm l ady turns a full turn left stepping L-R and then left shuffle back. Rock recover triple turn man 1/4 right lady 3/4 turn left sway out recover sailor cross 1 2 3&4 Man rocks fwd on left recovers back right triples a 1/4 turn right. Release right hand raise left as the lady rocks back on her right recovers left and triples a 3/4 left stepping R-L-R. Now back in close western man facing OLOD lady facing ILOD. 5 6 7&8 Man sways right recovers left, sailor step stepping right behind left, left to left side right forward. Lady sways to the Lt recover and sailor step, stepping Lt behind Rt, Rt to Rt side and Lt in place. Start againRock Recover shuffle 1/4 turn two step full turn shuffle Forward
effort has been made to ensure these cue
Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk | April 2007 |