Ten Step Polka/Toe Heel Polka/San Antonio Polka

Choreographer Unknown
Description  Couples in promenade Position, both facing line of dance (CCW floor direction); lady
standing on the gentleman's right side; each will have heels together; his left hand will
hold her left hand either in front of his left shoulder, in front of and slightly higher than 
his waist, or in front of the lady's left shoulder; his right arm will reach behind the lady
and hold her right hand in his right hand slightly to the right of her right shoulder
Standard steps for gentleman and lady are identical.
Music Amarillo by Kathy Mattea or any song with a similar rhythm

1--2 	Left heel touch forward,  Left close to right 
3-4 	Right toe touch backward, Right scuff forward ending in low forward kick
5-6	Right heel touch forward, Right toe touch (toe down/heel up) forward and left of left 
7-8 	Right heel touch forward, Right close to left 
9-10 	Left heel touch forward, Left toe touch (toe down/heel up) forward and right of right foot

	Cha-Cha Steps Forward--Syncopated Rhythm
11&12	Left foot, right foot, left foot forward
13&14 	Right foot, left foot, right foot forward
15&16	Left foot, right foot, left foot forward
17&18 	Right foot, left foot, right foot forward
	Repeat Counts 1 to 18 until end of song.
Option 1
	On Count 4 the right foot may close with a stomp to the left foot.
Option 2
	On Count 10 the left foot crosses in front of right leg with the left toe pointed down, 
	but remaining 6" above the floor.
Option 3
	On Counts 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, and/or 17-18, the gentleman holds lady's right hand and
	turns her clockwise. She turns using same cha-cha style step rhythm.
Option 4
	Lady can move from right to left in front of the gentleman on the first two cha-cha sets
	(without turning) and can do the dance on his left side as a variation.
Option 5
	If the lady has performed Option 4, she can return using two cha-cha steps to the right and
	can continue the dance in the normal Promenade position.
Option 6
	Substitute the following counts for Counts 3-8 (This version is the San Antonio Polka):
3-4 	Right heel tap forward, Right foot close to left foot
5-6 	Right toe touch back, Right foot close to left foot with a stomp
7-8 	Right leg lift until thigh is parallel to dance floor, Right foot close to left foot with a stomp
Option 7
	One partner does the Ten-Step Polka, the other does the San Antonio Polka, in this Tennessee variation.
Option 8
	Add two Counts after Count 10, making this Tennessee version a "12-Step" Ten Step Polka, with a new 
	total of  20 beats. 
	Caution: Do not mix the 18 and 20 Count versions on the same dance floor.
10a. Hop on left foot and raise right knee until thigh is parallel to the floor
10b. Hop on left foot and raise right knee until thigh is parallel to the floor