Tear It Up
Choreographed by Brian Woodford ~ member@bwoodford.wanadoo.co.uk
Description 64 Count 2 Wall Beginner/Intermediate Line Dance
Music Tear It Up - Joni Harms  CD: The Most Awesome Line Dance Album 5
Start Dance after 32 Count Introduction

Back Rock On Left Kicking Right Forward, Together, Stomp Left, Hold, Right & Left Toe Touches
1-2 Rock back on left kicking right forward, rock on to right in place
3-4 Stomp left in place, hold
5-6 Touch right toe to right side, step right next to left
7-8 Touch left toe to left side, step left next to right
Toe Strut Forward x 4
9-10 Step right toe forward step right heel down
11-12 Step left toe forward, step left heel down
13-14 Step right toe forward step right heel down
15-16 Step left toe forward, step left heel down
Toe, Heel, Stomp, Clap x 2
17-18 Touch right toe to left instep, touch right heel to left instep
19-20 Stomp right forward with right toe pointing to right diagonal, hold & clap
(Bend both knees on stomp, straighten up on clap)
21-22 Touch left toe to right instep, touch left heel to right instep
23-24 Stomp left forward with left toe pointing to left diagonal, hold and clap
(Bend both knees on stomp, straighten up on clap, you will be moving forward during  this section) 
Vine Right With 1/4 Turn Right, Hitch, Step, Hold, Pivot, Hold
25-26 Step right to right side, step left behind right
27-28 Step 1/4 turn right on right, hitch left
29-39 Step forward left, hold
31-32 Pivot 1/2 turn right, hold. (weight ends on left as body leans slightly back)
Right Heel, Hook, Heel, Flick, Side Toe Strut, Back Toe Strut
33-34 Touch right heel forward, hook right over left shin
35-36 Touch right heel forward, flick right to right side as you raise and lower left heel
37-38 Step right toe to right side, step right heel down
39-40 Step left toe back, step left heel down
Toe Strut Box Step
41-42 Cross step right toe over left, step right heel down
43-44 Step back on left toe, step left heel down
45-46 Step right toe to right side. step right heel down
47-48 Step left toe in place, step left heel down
Step, Lock, Step, Scoot, Step, Stomp, Swivel Heels Lt, Swivel Heels Right
making 1/4 Turn Left
49-50 Step forward right. lock left behind right
51-52 Step forward right, hitch left and hop forward on right
53-54 Step forward on left, stomp right next to left
55 On balls of feet swivel both heels left ( toes point to right diagonal )
56 On balls of feet swivel both heels right making 1/4 turn left  (weight ends on right)
1/4 Turn Lt, Lock Right, Step, Hitch, Step, Touch
57-58 Step forward left, lock right behind left
59-60 Step forward left, hitch right
61-62 Step forward right, lock left behind right
63-64 Step forward right, touch left next to right
Hand movements: (when Joni sings "throw it away")
On walls 2,4,6 & 7: counts 7,8 (touch left to side, step left next to right)
Flick left hand to left side &: look left., flick left hand bock in place and look forward
On walls 2,4,6: counts 55,56 (swivel left, swivel right making 1/4 turn left)
Flick left hand to left side and  look left, flick left hand bock in place and look forward
For big finish:
On wall 7, count 5: stomp right forward, bend both knees, flick right hand to right
and left hand to left (all over 1 count)