Sweet As Honey (P)
Choreographed by Greg Van Zilen & Samantha Van Zilen [2/25/2015] - (860) 537-5849 outtalinedj@aol.com Description 32 Count Partner Dance Start: Partners facing with man facing LOD, two hand hold with arms crossed right over left Music Homegrown Honey - Darius Rucker 32 count Intro start dancing on lyrics 1-8 Mambo 4x Man, 3x Lady Then Ladies Step-Turn ½ Right 1&2 Man: Step left to side, replace weight onto right, step left next to right. 3&4 Step right to side, replace weight onto left, step right next to left. 5&6 Step left forward, replace weight onto right, step left next to right. 7&8 Step right back, replace weight onto left, step right next to left. 1&2 Lady: Step right to side, replace weight onto left, step right next to left. 3&4 Step left to side, replace weight onto right, step left next to right. 5&6 Step right back, replace weight onto left, step right next to left. 7,8 Step left forward, ½ turn right weighting right. Hands: On count 7 man brings right hands up and over ladies head then lowering to side-by-side on count 8. 9-16 S huffle Fwd Left, Step Right, ½ Turn Left, Shuffle Fwd Right, Step Left, ½ Turn Right 1&2 Both: Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward. 3,4 Step right forward, ½ turn left weighting left. 5&6 Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward. 7,8 S tep left forward, ½ turn right weighting right. Hands: On count 3 release left hands bring right up and over ladies head then lowering to hammerlock behind man’s back on count 4. On count 8 bring right hands up and over ladies head and rejoining left into side-by-side position. 17-24 L eft Forward Rock-Replace, Left Coaster Step (Repeat With Right) 1,2 Both: Step left forward, replace weight onto right. 3&4 Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward. 5,6 Step right forward, replace weight onto left. 7&8 Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward. 25-32 Both Walk Left, Right, Left Shuffle Forward (Man Repeats Starting R – Ladies ½ Turn L, Walk Back 3x) 1,2 Both: Step left forward, step right forward. 3&4 Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward. 5,6 Man: Step right forward, step left forward. 7&8 Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward. 5-8 Lady: ½ turn left stepping right back, step left back, step right back, step left back. Got it? - Good, do it again. March 2015