Choreographed by Ann Hexter--  richard@double-r.freeserve.co.uk 
Description  Starting Position: Right skaters, Right hands joined on lady’s Right hip,
weight on left Same steps except where otherwise indicated
Music Don’t it make my Brown Eyes Blue – Crystal Gale CD Awsome 7

Dedicated to our friends Joyce and Terry Swann, and written to coincide with our
passing the Triple C Partner Dance Class to Anne and Stuart after 13 years

	Step forward and touch, Step back and touch
1-4 	Step diagonally forward right, touch left next to right, step diagonally back on left, touch right next to left
	Step forward, lock, & step forward, lock
5,6 	Step diagonally forward on right, lock left behind right,
&7-8 	Step diagonally forward on right (&), step diagonally forward on left, lock right behind left
	Step forward and touch, Step back and touch
9-12 	Step diagonally forward left, touch right next to left, step diagonally back on right, touch left next to right

	Step forward, lock, & step forward, lock
13-14 	Step diagonally forward on left, lock right behind right,
&15-16 	Step diagonally forward on left (&), step diagonally forward on right, lock left behind right

	Step forward and touch, Step back and touch
17- 20 	Step diagonally forward right, touch left next to right, step diagonally back on left, touch right next to left

	Forward right, slide, forward right, scuff
21-24 	Step forward right, slide left up to it, step forward right, scuff left

	Jazz box with ¼ turn to face; lady touch L, man step down R
25-28 	MAN:	 Cross left over right, step back on right, making ¼ turn right to face partner,
		step left to side, step down on right next to left
	LADY: 	Cross left over right, step back on right, step left to side making ¼ turn left to face partner,
		touch right next to left
	You now need to be in CLOSED WESTERN POSITION

	Grind hips for four counts (man’s left leg between lady’s legs)
29-32 	MAN:	 Grind left, right, left, right
	LADY: 	Grind right, left, right, left
	Side, together, side, touch
33-36 	MAN: Step left side, step right next to left, step left side, touch right next to left
	LADY: Step right side, step left next to right, step right side, touch left next to right

Side, together, turn, touch/step
37-40 	MAN: 	Step right side, step left next to right, step right side turning ¼ left, touch left next to right
	(now facing LOD, weight on RIGHT)
	LADY: 	Step left side, step right next to left, step left side turning ¼ left (RLOD),
		spin ½ left (&) step (now facing LOD, weight on RIGHT)
	Step Slide, Step Scuff
41-44 	Step forward left, slide right up to it, step forward left, scuff right

	Jazz Box facing LOD
45-48 	Cross right over left, step back on left, step side on right, step down on left
	Start again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk July 2005