Step. Lock. Triple. Step. Lock. Triple.
1-4 Step right forward. Step and lock left behind right. Cha Cha Cha forward.
5-8 Step left forward. Step and lock right behind left. Cha Cha Cha forward.
Side. Together. Triple. Rock. Recover.
9-10 Step right to the side. Step left beside right.
11&12 Step right to the side. Step left beside right. Step right to the side.
Partners change sides, man passes behind lady changing hands to left in left, right in right.
13-14 Step and rock back onto left. Recover onto right.
Side. Together. Side Triple. Rock. Recover.
15-16 Step left to the side. Step right beside left.
17&18 Step left to the side. Step right beside left. Step left to the side.
Partners change sides, man passes behind lady. Change to holding inside hands.
19-20 Step and rock back onto right. Recover onto left.
Free Spin. (Release Hands)
21-22 Step right forward making ¼ turn left. Pivot on ball of right making ½ turn left stepping onto left.
Now facing partner, man facing O.L.O.D Rejoin hands in Open Double Hand Hold.
23&24 Cha Cha Cha in place.
Cross. Rock. Triple. Cross. Rock. Triple. Extend arms out to side.
25-28 Man: Step and cross rock left behind right. Angle body slightly left. Recover onto right.
Cha Cha Cha to face partner.
Lady: Step and cross rock right over left. Angle body slightly right. Recover onto left.
Cha Cha Cha to face partner.
29-32 Man: Step and cross rock right behind left. Angle body slightly right. Recover onto left.
Cha Cha Cha to face partner
Lady: Step and cross rock left over right. Angle body slightly left. Recover onto right.
Cha Cha Cha to face partner.
Walk. Walk. ½ Turn Triple. Step. Slide. Triple ¼ Turn
Release right hand, raise left, man goes under raised hands.
33-34 Walk forward on left, right.
35&36 Cha Cha Cha making ½ turn left to face partner. Rejoin forward hands.
37-38 Step right to the side. Slide and step left beside right. Release forward hands.
39&40 Step right to the side making ¼ turn right. Step left beside right. Step right forward.
Change Sides. Step ¼ Turn. Touch. Triple Step.
41-42 Man: Step left to the side. Step and cross right behind left.
Lady: Step on right, left making a full turn right passing across in front of the man.
Change hands as you change sides, mans right to lady's left.
43&44 Triple step moving slightly forward.
45-46 Step right forward making ¼ turn right to face partner. Touch left beside right. Touch forward hands.
47&48 Step left to the side making ¼ turn left. Step right beside left. Step left forward.