Sugar Daddy
Choreographed by Angela & Peter Kimber – July 2015 ~ 01993 831248 Description Start in Double Hand Hold – Man facing OLOD, Lady facing ILOD Opposite footwork throughout – Man’s steps given – Lady’s opposite unless stated Music: Sugar Daddy - The Bellamy Brothers (CD: Rip Off The Knob) Practice Man’s Best Friend - Monty Holmes (CD: All I Ever Wanted)
1-8 Step over,Step back,Side shuffle,Weave over,side,behind,Step fwd with ¼ turn (to LOD) 1-4 Step LT over RT,Step RT back,Side shuffle LT,RT,LT 5-8 Step RT over LT,Step LT to side,Step RT behind LT,Step LT fwd with ¼ turn LT (to LOD) (Release fwd hands as turn – retain inside hands)
9-16 MAN: Shuffle fwd,Rock,Recover,Shuffle back,Side rock LADY: Shuffle ½ turn (to RLOD),Rock,Recover,Shuffle fwd,Side rock 9-12 MAN: Shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT,Rock LT fwd,Recover on RT, LADY: Shuffle LT,RT,LT with ½ turn RT (to RLOD),Rock back RT,Recover on LT (Lady passes under Man’s RT hand as she turns – then pick up in Double Hand hold) 13-16 MAN: Shuffle back LT,RT,LT,Rock RT to side,Recover on LT LADY: Shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT to Man’s RT side,Rock LT to side,Recover on RT (Lady’s RT arm across front of Man – hands joined at waist level)
17-24 MAN: Step side,Step behind,Triple step LADY: Walk LT+RT,Shuffle passing behind to Man’s LT side with ½ turn RT (to LOD) BOTH: Rock fwd,Recover,Shuffle back 17-20 Man: Step Rt to side,Step LT behind,Triple step RT,LT,RT on spot Lady: Walk LT+RT,Shuffle LT,RT,LT passing behind Man to his LT side with ½ turn RT (to LOD) 21-24 R ock LT fwd,Recover on RT,Shuffle back LT,RT,LT (Release hands as pass – then pick up inside hands)
25-32 Reverse Rocking Chair,Shuffle fwd with ½ turn (to RLOD),Side rock,Recover 25-28 Rock RT back,Recover on LT,Rock RT fwd,Recover on LT 29-32 Shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT with ½ turn RT (to RLOD),Rock LT to side,Recover on RT (Release hands as turn – then pick up inside hands)
33-40 Cross shuffle passing behind Lady,Side rock,Recover Step fwd,Step fwd with ½ turn (to LOD),Shuffle fwd 33-36 Cross shuffle LT over RT passing behind Lady,Rock RT to side,Recover on LT ( LADY: Travel diagonally fwd as pass) 37-40 Step RT fwd,Step LT fwd with ½ turn LT (to LOD),Shuffle fwd RT,LT,RT (Change to other inside hands as pass)
41-48 Shuffle ½ turn x 2 travelling down LOD,Step,Slide,Shuffle 41-44 S huffle LT,RT,LT with ½ turn RT,Shuffle RT,LT.RT with ½ turn RT travelling down LOD 45-48 Step LT fwd,Slide RT beside,Shuffle fwd LT,RT,LT (Changing hands as turn)
49-56 Step over,Step back with ¼ turn ,Side shuffle,Weave over,side,behind,side 49-52 Step RT over LT,Step LT back with ¼ turn RT (to OLOD),Side shuffle RT,LT,RT 53-56 Step LT over RT,Step RT to side,Step LT behind RT,Step RT to side (Join in Double Hand hold as side shuffle) That’s All Folks – Begin Again And Smile! July 2015