Choreographed by

Dawn Hood (UK) (April 2006)
Description Intermediate: Partner Dance (64 counts Right side by side. (Sweetheart).
Man’s and Lady’s footwork the same unless otherwise stated)
Music Talking To A Stranger by Rodney Crowell (106 bpm. Intro: Start on vocals)
CD: Steppin’ Country 5

	Walk Right. Left. Shuffle forward. Half turn Left. Shuffle back
1 – 2 	Walk forward Right. Left
3&4 	Step forward on Right. Step Left beside Right. Step forward on Right
5 – 6 	1/4 turn Left stepping forward on Left. Quarter turn Left. stepping back on Right (RLOD)
7&8 	Step back on Left. Step Right beside Left. Step back on Left
	Release Left hands and bring Man’s Right arm over Lady’s head on the turns.
	Rejoin hands in front on the shuffle
	1/4 turn Left. Shuffle forward. 1/4 turn Right. Behind. Shuffle to face partner
1 – 2 	Quarter turn Left stepping back on Right. Quarter turn Left stepping forward on Left (LOD)
3&4 	Step forward on Right. Step Left beside Right. Step forward on Right
	Release Right hands and bring Left arm over Lady’s head on the turns. Rejoin in Sweetheart on the shuffle
5 – 6 	Quarter turn Right stepping forward on Left. Cross Right behind Left (OLOD)
7&8 	Man: 	Shuffle in place making quarter turn Left stepping Left. Right. Left (LOD)
	Lady: 	Shuffle in place making three quarter turn Left stepping Left. Right. Left to face partner (RLOD)
	Bring Right arm over Lady’s head to end with arms crossed in front, Right on top
	Rock step. Shuffle. Rock step. Shuffle (Lady: round the world)
1 – 2 	Man: 	Rock forward on Right. Recover onto Left
	Lady: 	Rock back on Right. Recover onto Left
3&4 	Man: 	Step back on Right. Step Left beside Right. Step back on Right
	Lady: 	Step forward on Right. Step Left beside Right. Step forward on Right
5 – 6 	Man: 	Rock back on Left. Recover onto Right
	Lady: 	Start to walk around man stepping forward Left. Right
7&8 	Man: 	Triple step in place stepping Left. Right. Left
	Lady: 	Shuffle forward and around man to end on his Left side stepping Left. Right. Left
	Bring Man’s Right arm over his head as Lady walks around. Rejoin in Sweetheart
	1/4 turn Left. Behind. Shuffle to face partner. Rock step. Shuffle
1 – 2 	Quarter turn Left stepping forward on Right. Cross Left behind Right
3&4 	Man: 	Shuffle in place making quarter turn Right stepping Right. Left. Right (LOD)
	Lady: 	Shuffle three quarter turn Right to face partner stepping Right. Left. Right (RLOD)
	Bring Left arm over Lady’s head to end with arms crossed in front, left on top
5 – 6 	Man: 	Rock forward on Left. Recover onto Right
	Lady: 	Rock back on Left. Recover onto Right
7&8 	Man: 	Step back on Left. Step Right beside Left. Step back on Left
	Lady: 	Step forward on Left. Step Right beside Left. Step forward on Left
	Rock step. Shuffle (Lady round the world). Quarter turn Right. Behind. Shuffle quarter turn Left
1 – 2 	Man: 	Rock back on Right. Recover onto Left
	Lady: 	Start to walk around man stepping forward Right. Left
3&4 	Man: S	huffle in place stepping Right. Left. Right
	Lady: 	Shuffle forward and around man stepping Right. Left. Right to end on his Right side
	Bring Man’s Left arm over his head as Lady walks around. Rejoin in Sweetheart
5 – 6 	Quarter turn Right stepping forward on Left. Cross Right behind Left
7&8 	Shuffle quarter turn Left stepping Left. Right. Left (LOD)
	Step. Pivot half turn Left x 2. Forward rock. Back rock (rocking chair)
1 – 4 	Step forward on Right. Pivot half turn Left. Step forward on Right. Pivot half turn Left
5 – 8 	Rock forward on Right. Recover onto Left. Rock back on Right. Recover onto Left
	Quarter turn Left. Behind. Shuffle quarter turn Right. Step. Pivot half turn Right x 2
1 – 2 	Quarter turn Left stepping forward on Right. Cross Left behind Right
3&4 	Shuffle quarter turn Right stepping Right. Left. Right (LOD) (Raise Right arms on pivot turns)
5 – 8 	Step forward on Left. Pivot half turn Right. Step forward on Left. Pivot half turn Right
	Forward rock. Back rock. (rocking chair). Walk Left. Right. Shuffle
1 – 4 	Rock forward on Left. Recover onto Right. Rock back on Left. Recover onto Right
5 – 6 	Walk forward Left. Right
7&8 	Step forward on Left. Step Right beside Left. Step forward on Left
	Start again