Stetson Hat

Choreographed by	Nicole Rondeau, Canada ( 2012 )
Description    	64 count Partner dance, same footwork throught Sweetheart Faceing L.O.D.
Music 		Stetson Hat - Dave Sheriff
1-8 	Stomp, ( Toe Fan ) X3, Step Lock Step, Brush,
1 	Stomp right forward
2-4 	Point right toe to right, left, right, [weight on right]
5-8 	Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left, brush right
9-16 	Step, Touch, Back, Touch, 1/4 Turn, Slide, 1/4 Turn, Brush,
1-2 	Step forward on right, touch left behind right
3-4 	Step back on left, touch right next to left
5-6 	Step 1/4 turn right, slide left next to right O.L.O.D.
7-8 	Step 1/4 turn right, brush left
	Reverse sweetheart facing RLOD man inside circle
17-24 	Stomp, ( Toe Fan ) X3, Step, Lock, Step, Brush,
1 	Stomp left forward
2-4 	Point left toe to left, right, left [weight on left]
5-8 	Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left, brush right
25-32 	Step, Touch, 1/4 Turn, Slide, 1/4 Turn, Brush, Stomp, Stomp
1-2 	Step forward on right, touch left behind right
3-4 	Step 1/4 turn left, slide right next to left
	Position Indian, face à O.L.O.D. man behind woman
5-6 	Step 1/4 turn left, brush right
	Position Sweetheart, face à L.O.D.
7-8 	Stomp right next to left, stomp right next to left [weight on left]
33-40 	Step, Lock, Step, Brush, Step, Brush, Step, Brush,
1-2 	Step forward on right, lock left behind right
3-4 	Step forward on right, brush left
5-6 	Step forward on left, brush right
7-8 	Step forward on right, brush left
41-48 	Step, Lock, Step, Brush, Step, Brush, Step, Brush,
1-2 	Step forward on left, lock right behind
3-4 	Step forward on left, brush right
5-6 	Step forward on right, brush left
7-8 	Step forward on left, brush right
49-56 	Rumba Box, Rumba Box,
1-4 	Step right to right side, step left next to right, step back on right - Hold
5-8 	Step left to left side, step right next to left, step forward on left, Hold
57-64 	Step, Touch, Back, Kick, Slow Coaster Step, Step.
1-2 	Step forward on right, touch left behind right
3-4 	Step back on left, kick right forward
5-8 	Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right, Step forward on left
	Start again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert July 2012