Step Ahead
Choreographed by Ruth Elias
  Partner Dance - Side by Side
(holding inside hands - mirror image except at **
Music: Try not to look so pretty : Dwight Yoakam
  The Big One - George Strait

1-4 Left step forward at angle of 45 , touch right next to left, Right step back at angle if 45 , left touch beside right.
5-8 Left step to the side, right foot step next to left, Left step to the side, right touch next to left,
9-12 Right step to right, left step next to right, Right step to the right, making 1/4 turn right, left touch next to right, picking up 'ladies right hand in man's left.
13-16 Left step to the side, right step next to left, Left step to the side, right touch next to left
  (for styling sway your body to Line of Dance, lowering left hand, raising right)
17-20 Right step to the side, left step next to right. Right step to the side, left touch next to right
  (for styling sway your body to Reverse Line of Dance, lowering right hand, raising left)
21-24 Left step To side, right touch next to left (for styling sway your body to LOD, lowering left hand, raising right) Right step to side, left touch next to right
  (for styling sway your body to Reverse Line of Dance, 'lowering right hand, raising left)
25-32 Left shuffle, right shuffle (during this move man's right hand, lady's left whilst the man travels under his raised left arm, changing places with the lady - lady's shuffles take her round the back of the man) , left shuffle, right shuffle in Fwd LOD know holding inside hands)
33-40 Walk fwd left, right, left, kick right fwd, Walk backward on right, left, right, touch left toe behind
41-44** Man pulls lady across him in a Three step rolling turn, ending in a left stomp, whilst he does a left grapevine, ending in a right stomp
(note that the stomps should place man's right close to lady's left foot)
45-48 Pick up inside hands again and make two hip bumps to the right, two to the left
49-52 Step forward right, pivot turn left, Letting go hands, Step forward right, pivot turn left, picking up inside hands again
53-60 Right shuffle (turning to face Inside LOD, away from the lady), left Shuffle
(turning to face ILOD facing the lady), right shuffle, face toward LOD left kick ball change
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate,Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert January 2001