Stars & Stripes
Choreographed By Ann Williams. Country Cousins Western Dancers. 03/04 - 
023 9234 1758
Description  48 Count Partner Dance Start in Right Side by Side Position
Music  Where The Stars & Stripes & The Eagles Fly - Aaron Tippin 104bpm
CD Stars & Stripes

I Hope You Want Me Too - The Mavericks. - 110 bpm.

	Side. Touch. & Step. Touch. & Step. Touch. Grapevine. Touch.
1-2 	Step left to left side. Touch right beside left.
&3&4 	Step right to right side. Touch left beside right. Step left to left side. Touch right beside left.
5-6 	Step right diagonally forward to right. Step and cross left behind right.
7-8 	Step right diagonally forward to right. Touch left beside right.

	Step. Pivot. Shuffle. Step. Pivot. Cross Shuffle.
9-10 	Step left forward. Pivot ½ turn right.
11&12 	Left shuffle forward.
13-14 	Step right forward. Pivot ¼ turn left to face O.L.O.D. in Indian Position.
15&16 	Right cross shuffle turning body slightly left, extending arms out to sides.

	Rock. Recover. Shuffle. Rock. Recover. Shuffle.
17-18 	Keeping body turned slightly left. Step and rock forward on left. Recover onto right.
19&20 	Left shuffle back.
21-22 	Step and rock back on right. Recover onto left.
23&24 	Right shuffle turning to face O.L.O.D.

	Side. Behind. ¼ Turn Shuffle. Step ¼ Turn. Behind. ¼ Turn Shuffle.
25-26 	Step left to left side. Step and cross right behind left.
27&28 	Left shuffle making ¼ turn left to face L.O.D. back in Right Side by Side position.
29-30 	Step right forward making ¼ turn left. Step and cross left behind right.
	Release left hands, raise right.
31&32 	Right shuffle making ¼ turn right to face L.O.D.
	Keep right hands raised. Do not rejoin left hands.

	Man: Behind. ¼ Turn. Triple ¼ Turn. Lady: Step ¼ Turn. Step ¼ Turn. Triple In Place.
33-36 	Man: 	Passing behind lady, step and cross left behind right. Step right to side 
		making ¼ turn right. Triple step in place making ¼ turn right to face R.L.O.D.
	Lady: 	Step left in front of man making ¼ turn right. Step onto right making ¼ turn right to face
		R.L.O.D. Triple step moving slightly forward.
	Raised right hands pass over mans head, then over ladys head.
	Now facing R.L.O.D. with joined right hands raised.
	Man: Step ¼ Turn. Step ¼ Turn. Triple in Place. Lady: Cross. Step ¼ Turn. Triple ¼ Turn.
37-40 	Man: 	Passing behind lady, step right to right side making ¼ turn right.
		Step onto left making ¼ turn right. Triple step in place.
	Lady: 	Passing in front of man, step and cross right over left. Step left to left side
		making ¼ turn right. Triple step making ¼ turn right and moving slightly forward.
	Raised right hands pass over mans head, then over lady's head.
	Now facing L.O.D. rejoin left hands in Right Side by Side position.
	Step. Lock. Shuffle. Step. Lock. Shuffle.
41-44 	Step left forward. Step and lock right behind left. Left shuffle forward.
45-48 	Step right forward. Step and lock left behind right. Right shuffle forward.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert April 2004