The Star Shuffle
Choreographed by Ian & Fiona Smith 01934 814405
Description 48 count partner dance in Skater's hold
Music I've Got This Feeling - The Mavericks

1-8 	Left forward shuffle, right forward shuffle, left forward shuffle, 
	right forward shuffle with ¼ turn right
	Now facing OLOD in Indian position

9-12 	Sway left, right, left, right
13-16 	Left grapevine with ½ turn left, hitch right knee
	Now facing ILOD in reverse Indian position

17-20 	Sway right, left, right, left
21-24 	Right grapevine with ¼ turn right, hitch left knee

25-28 	Left shuffle ¼ turn left, right shuffle ¼ turn left
29-32 	Left shuffle ½ turn left, right kick-ball change (into sweetheart position)

33-36 	Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, right forward shuffle
37-40 	Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right, left kick-ball change

41-42 	Left step to left side, right cross behind left
43-44 	Left step to left side, right cross in front of left foot
45-46 	Left cross over in front of right, right step to right side
47-48 	Left cross behind right, right step to right side
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2003