Southern Style (2 Pages)

Choreographed by 	Johanne Rutherford & François Cournoyer, Canada (2015)
Description 	64 count, Partner Dance Intermediate-Advanced, Closed Position
		Man and woman face to face LOD RLOD
		The steps of a man and woman are of opposite type, except where indicated
Music: 		Southern Style - Darius Rucker -96 BPM - Intro 16 accounts
1-8 	H: Walk, Walk, Shuffle Fwd, Walk, Walk, Mambo Fwd,
	F: Back, Back, Shuffle Back, Back, Back, Back Mambo,
1-2 	Step forward - Step forward 				Right behind - left back
3&4 	Shuffle left, right, left, advancing 			Shuffle right, left, right, backwards
5-6 	Step forward - Step forward 				left back - step right back
7&8 	Rock right fwd - recover to left - right behind 		Rock left behind - back on the PD - Step fwd
9-16 	H: Mambo Back, Mambo Fwd, Back, Back, Back Mambo,
	F: Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn, Mambo Back, Walk, Walk, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, 1 / 2 Turn,
	Release the R hand  man and woman L hand 
	The woman passes under the left arm of the man and under his R arm 
1&2 	Rock left behind - Back on the R - Step fwd 		Step fwd - Pivot 1/2 turn L - 1/2 turn L and step R back
	Closed position , man facing LOD and woman facing RLOD
3&4 	Rock right forward - recover to left - right behind 		Rock left behind - Return on R - left back
5-6 	Left behind - right behind 				Step forward - Step forward
	Release mans Right hand woman’s L hand
	The woman passes under the left arm Human and under his R arm
7&8 	Rock left behind - Back on the R - Step forward 		Step fwd - Pivot 1/2 turn L - 1/2 turn L and step R back
	position Closed man LOD and woman face to face RLOD
17-24 	Side Rock Step, 1/4 Turn, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Step, Rocking Chair, Mambo 1/4 Turn,
1&2 	Rock right to right - Back L 				Rock left to left - back on right -
	1/4 turn to the left and right forward			1/4 turn right stepping forward
	Release the L hand and Woman R hand, Facing ILOD, to hold hands Release hands
3&4 	Step forward - Pivot 1/2 turn right - left over			Step forward - Pivot 1/2 turn left - Step forward
	Facing OLOD stand by the size or option: to hold hands
5&6& 	Rock right forward - recover to left 			Rock forward - Return on R
	Rock right behind - recover to left			Rock left behind - Return on right
	Release hands on the count 8
7&8 	Rock right forward - recover to left – 			Rock forward - Back on right
	1/4 turn right and right to right 				1/4 turn left and step left to side
	Man and woman face to face RLOD LOD hands free
25-32 	H: Turniing To Left, 1/4 Turn Shuffle, Step, Pivot 1/4 Turn, Shuffle Fwd,
	F: Turning To Right, 1/4 Turn Shuffle, Step, Pivot 1/4 Turn, Shuffle Back,
1&2 	Chassé left, right, left, side, left 				Chassé right, left, right, side, right
3&4 	Shuffle right, left, right, 1/4 turn right ILOD 			Shuffle left, right, left, 1/4 turn left ILOD
5&6 	Step fwd - Pivot 1/4 turn right - left beside R		Step forward - Pivot 1/4 turn left - R beside left
	Position Closed, man facing LOD and woman facing RLOD
7&8 	M: Shuffle right, left, right, advancing 			Shuffle L-R-L, back

33-40	 H: Rumba Box, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Cross,
	F: Rumba Box, Shuffle Fwd, 1/4 Turn, Cross
1&2	 left to left - right beside L - L before 			right to right - left beside right - step right back
3&4 	right to right - left beside right - right behind 		left to left - right next to left - left forward
	Release the hand R of man and woman hand L
	Man goes under the L arms of the woman and under her L arm
5&6 	Shuffle left, right, left, 1/2 turn left 			Shuffle right, left, right, advancing slightly
	Position Left Open Promenade facing RLOD
7-8 	1/4 turn left stepping right - cross right over left 		1/4 turn right stepping left - the Cross left over right
	Position Open Double Hand Hold man OLOD and woman face to face  ILOD
41-48	H: Turning To Left, Behind, Side, Cross, Toe Switches, 1/4 Turn Touch And,
	F: To Right Chasse, Behind, Side, Cross, Toe Switches, 1/4 Turn And Touch
1&2	 Chassé left, right, left, side, left 				Chassé right, left, right, side, right
3&4	 Cross right behind left – 				Cross left behind right - right to right
	left to left side - cross right over left 			cross left over right
5&6& 	Point left to left - step right beside left - toe to right - left beside right
	F: right toe to right - left beside right - touch left left - right beside Left
	Release the hand R man and woman hand on R count 8
7& 	Point left to left side - left beside R 			Point right to right - step right beside left
8 	1/4 turn right on left and right toe next to left 		1/4 turn left on right and left toe next to right
	Position Left Open Promenade facing RLOD
49-56 	H: (Shuffle Fwd) X2, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Fwd,
	F: (Shuffle Fwd) X2, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn Shuffle And Back,
1&2 	Shuffle right, left, right, advancing 			Shuffle left, right, left, advancing
3&4 	Shuffle left, right, left, advancing      			Shuffle right, left, right, advancing
	Release hands
5-6 	Step forward - Pivot 1/2 turn left 				Step forward - Pivot 1/2 turn Right
	Resume hand R man and woman hand L
	The woman passes under the R arm of the man and under his L arm 
7&8 	Shuffle right, left, right, advancing 			1/2 turn right Shuffle left, right, left, backwards
	Resume the starting position
57-64 	(Side Rock Step, Cross) X2. (Shuffle Fwd) X2
	Counts 1 to 4 are the body angled
1&2 	Rock left to left - back on R - cross left over R 		Rock right to right - recover to L - cross R behind L
3&4 	Rock R to R - recover to L - cross R over L 			Rock L to L - back on R - Cross L behind R
5&6 	Shuffle L-R-L, advancing diagonally left 			Shuffle R-L-R, backwards diagonally right
7&8 	Shuffle R-L-R, in advancing diagonally right 			Shuffle L-R-L, backwards diagonally left
Tag 	At the end of the first routine, repeat the last 4 accounts
1&2 	Shuffle L-R-L, advancing diagonally left 			Shuffle R-L-R, backwards diagonally right
3&4 	Shuffle R-L-R, advancing diagonally R 			Shuffle L-R-L, backwards diagonally left
	Restart dance from the beginning 			November 2015