Choreographed by Shirley & Dave Springett
Description Side by Side HOLDing inner hands
Music Southern Kickin' Finger Lickin' - T Cane Honey (122bpm)
Time Marches on by Tracey Lawrence

(Note:- Steps are for both unless indicated)
1 - 4 GENT:- (Releasing hands) - Roll to Left away from partner, completing a 3/4 turn on LRL,
stomp Right beside Left
1 - 4 LADY:- (Releasing hands) - Roll to Right away from partner, completing a 3/4 turn on RLR,
stomp Left beside Right
5 - 8 Step fwd on Right toes, Drop Right heel to floor, Step fwd on Left toes, Drop Left heel to floor
9 - 12 Step fwd on Right toes, Drop Right heel to floor, Step fwd on Left toes, Drop Left heel to floor
13 - 16 Right  step across front of Left , HOLD for one beat, Unwind 1/2 turn Left on balls of feet, HOLD
17 - 20 Right  step across front of Left , HOLD, Left  step across front of Right , HOLD
21 - 24 Right  step across front of Left , HOLD, Left  step across front of Right , HOLD
25 - 28 Right  step across front of Left , HOLD for one beat, Unwind 1/2 turn Left on balls of feet, HOLD
29 - 32 Step fwd on Right , Slide Left  to Right, Step fwd on Right , Stomp Left beside Right
(Slap hands with partner and keep palms pressed together)
33 - 36 Bump hips twice towards LOD (Turn head in same direction), Bump hips twice to RLOD
(Turn head in same direction)
(Drop leading hands & raise Lady's Left with Gent's Right)
37 - 40 GENT:- Left  step to Left making 1/4 turn into LOD, Step fwd on Right, Left, Kick Right  fwd
37 - 40 LADY:- Make 1 1/4 turns to Right travelling into LOD stepping Right, Left, Right, Kick Left  fwd
Steps 41 - 60 are done in mirror image. Steps listed are for Lady. Gent on opposite feet.
41 - 44 Step fwd on Left , Kick Right  fwd, Step fwd on Right , Kick Left  fwd
45 - 48 Step back on Left , Kick Right  fwd, Step back on Right , Kick Left  fwd
49 - 52 Left fwd shuffle, Right fwd shuffle
53 - 56 Step fwd on Left, Right, Left, Kick Right  fwd
57 - 60 Stomp Right beside Left,  Right, Touch Right heel diagonally fwd, Touch Right toe beside Left
Start again