Choreographed By Iris & Jeff Curwen – 0117 9661895
Description  Partner/Line. (2 Wall ) Closed Western Position. Opposite Footwork. Intermediate Level. 60 Counts.
Music  Old Midnight by Joni Harms. C.D. Are We Nearly There Yet. or any other Slow/Med. Waltz.

Man  Lady
Forward Basic, Ladies Full Turn, Back Basic, Mans Full Turn.
1 2 3 L Step Fwd R Small Step Fwd L Small Step Fwd  R Step Back L Small Step Back R Small Step Back.
4 5 6 R Step Forward L Step Beside R, R Step in place L Step Back R 1/2 Turn to R L 1/2 Turn to R
(Turn lady to her R. with mans L hand-Now in Open Hand Hold-facing partner.)
1 2 3 L Step Back R Small. Step Back L Small Step Back  R Step Fwd L Small Step Fwd R Small Step Fwd
4 5 6 R L R Full Turn to R Under mans R hand L Step Forward R Step Beside L L Step in Place
(Now in Open Hand Hold - facing partner.)
Fwd Basic, Ladies 1/2 Turn R. Steps Fwd & Back, Ladies 1/2 Turn L. Ladies 1/4 Turn L. into Wrap.
1 2 3 L Step Fwd R Small Step Fwd L Small Step Fwd R Step Back L Small Step Back R Small Step Back
4 5 6 R L R Step in Place. (Change hands above lady’s head to
mans L/lady’s L–mans R/ ladies R. –Man now behind lady.)
L Step Back R 1/4 Turn to R L 1/4 Turn to R
1 2 3 L R L Step in Place. (With both arms extended to the side at
shoulder level.)
R Small Step Fwd (With both arms extended to the side at
shoulder level.)  L Step Beside R, R Step in Place.
4 5 6 R Small Step Back L step Beside R R Step in Place L Small Step Back R Step Beside L L Step in Place.
(With both arms extended to side at shoulder level.) (With both arms extended to side at shoulder level.)
1 2 3 L R L Step in Place (While turning lady 1/2 turn to L both arms
above ladies head.-Now facing lady.) 
R 1/4 Turn to L L 1/4 Turn to L R Step Beside L. (Now facing
partner both arms above ladies head.)
4 5 6 R 1/4 Turn to R L Step Beside R R Step in Place (Change Hands
before turning lady 1/4 to her L/ mans R lowering them into Wrap Position. – Lady now in front of man)
L 1/4 Turn to L R Step Beside L L Step in Place. (Change Hands
before turning 1/4 to L into Wrap Position in front of man.)
Side Rock & Recover, Ladies 1/2 Turn into Rose-Arch, 1/2 Pinwheel Turn.
1 2 3 L Rock to L Side R Recover in Place L Step Beside R  R Rock to R Side L Recover in Place R Step Beside L
(Rock opposite way from partner.) (Rock opposite way from partner)
4 5 6 R L R Step in Place (Change Hands while turning lady1/2 turn R
into a Rose-Arch-offset to L-Retain both R hands, raise above
the ladies head turn her 1/2 to R, Release L hands, place 
across front of partners waist
L 1/4 Turn to R R 1/4 Turn to R L Step Beside R (Change Hands
while turning L into a Rose-Arch -offset to L-with both R hands
joined above the ladies head release L hands & place across
front of partners waist.)
1 2 3 L Step Forward R 1/4 Turn to L L Step Beside R R Step Forward L 1/4 Turn to L R Step Beside L
4 5 6 R 1/4 Turn to L, L Step Beside R R Step in Place L 1/4 Turn to L R Step Beside L L Step in Place
(While making a 1/2 Pinwheel turn to L.) (While making a 1/2 Pinwheel turn to L.)
1/4 Turn, Cross Rocks With Extended Arms, Ladies 3/4 Turn.
1 2 3 L 1/4 Turn to L R Step Beside L, L Step in Place. (While turning lady 1/4 to her R/mans R with mans R) R hand. Pick up
ladies L hand with mans L hand. Man standing behind lady with both arms extended to the side at shoulder level.)
R 1/4 Turn to R (Pick up mans L hand with ladies L hand)
L Step  beside R R Step in Place.
4 5 6  R Rock Across Front of L, L Recover in place, R Step Beside L
(Rock opposite way from partner.)
L Rock Across Front of R, R Recover in Place, L Step Beside R.
(Rock opposite way from partner.)
1 2 3 L Rock Across Front of R R Recover in Place L Step Beside R.
(Rock opposite way from partner.)
 R Rock Across Front of L L Recover in Place R Step Beside L
(Rock opposite way from partner.)
4 5 6 R L R Step in Place. (Bring mans R arm over lady’s head, while
turning lady 1/2 turn to L. Release both hands after turn-Now
facing partner.)
L 1/4 Turn To L (Man brings his R arm over ladies head) R 1/4
Turn to L L Step Beside R. Release both hands after turn-Now facing partner
Cross Rocks With 1/4 Turns.
1 2 3 L Rock 1/4 Turn to R Across Front of R (While slipping mans L
arm across ladies back waist level. Extend R arm) Rock Back 
onto R, Making 1/4 Turn to L. Step L Next to R (Release Arms.) 
R Rock 1/4 Turn to L Across Front of L (While slipping ladies R
arm across mans back at waist level. Extend L arm) L Rock Back
onto L Making 1/4 Turn R.Step R Next to L (Release Arms.)
4 5 6 R Rock 1/4 Turn to L Across Front of L (While slipping mans R
arm across ladies back, waist level. - Extend R arm) Rock Back
onto L Making 1/4 Turn R. Step R R Next to L.(Release Arms)
L Rock 1/4 Turn to R Across Front of R (While slipping ladies L
arm across mans back at waist level. - Extend arm) Rock Back
Onto R Making 1/4 Turn to L. Step L Next to R. (Release Arms)
Assume Closed Western Position, Start Again
Footnote The music suggested on this sheet lends itself to an optional well-timed kiss (where appropriate)
to end the dance with added style &/or pleasure
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert February 2003