Someone's Waltz
Choreographed by Mona Puente (817) 457-0159 
Description 48 count, beginner/intermediate partner/circle dance in Right side-by-side position
Music Someone Must Feel Like A Fool Tonight - Kenny Rogers 100 BPM
Note: To achieve the beautiful rise & fall of the waltz, execute the "long" steps (steps 1 & 4 of
each 6-count phrase) & the "short" steps (steps 2, 3, 5, & 6 of each 6-count phrase) properly.
When stepping forward on the long steps, lead with your heel, rolling forward onto your foot.
When stepping back on the long steps, lead with your toe, rolling back onto your foot. 
Execute the short steps on the balls of your feet
Note: This dance was chosen to be the UCWDC Competition Waltz Patterned Partner Dance 
for the 2000 Dutch Championships

1-3 	Step forward left, right, left
4-6 	Step forward right, left, right

7-9 	MAN: Release lady's right hand & step left behind right, side step right, step left beside right
9	LADY: Turn left full turn with rolling vine (left-right-left) (lady is now on man's left)
10-12 	Rejoin right hands & step back right, left, right

13-15 	Step back left, right, left
16-18 	MAN: Release lady's left hand & step right behind left, side step left, step right beside left
	LADY: Turn left full turn with rolling vine (right-left-right) (lady returns to man's right)

19-24 	Rejoin left hands & repeat 1-6

25	Cross left over right (turning body slightly right)
26 	Side step right
27 	Pivoting on ball of right (turning body slightly left), step left at angle
28 	Cross right over left (turning body slightly left)
29 	Side step left
30 	Pivoting on ball of left (turning body slightly right), step right at angle

31-36 	Repeat 25-30

	1/2 TURNS
37 	Step forward left
38 	On balls of feet, pivot ½ turn right, shifting weight to right
39 	Step slightly forward left
40 	Step forward right
41 	On balls of feet, pivot ½ turn left, shifting weight to left
42 	Step slightly forward right

43-45 	MAN: Step left behind right, side step right, step left beside right
	LADY: Side step left, step right beside left, slightly side step left (lady is now on man's left)
46-48 	MAN: Step right behind left, side step left, step right beside left
	LADY: Side step right, step left beside right, slightly side step right (lady returns to man's right)
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert January 2003