1-4 Cross rock Lover R. Recover on R. L shuffle Fwd. L.O.D.
5-8 Cross rock Rover L. Recover on L. R shuffle Fwd. L.O.D.
9-12 Repeat 1-4.
13-16 Rock Fwd on R. Recover on L.
MAN: R shuffle back
LADY: Full turn shuffle to L. (Passing joined hands over lady’s head)
Ending side by side R hands crossed over L.
17-20 Rock back on L. recover on R. L shuffle Fwd.
21-24 Rock Fwd on R. recover on L. 1/4 turn shuffle to' face partner.
25-28 Rock back on L. recover on R.
MAN: L shuffle on spot.
LADY: Full turn shuffle to R, (Passing joined hands over lady’s head).
Ending facing partner & I.L.O.D. With L hands over R.
29-30 Rock back on R. recover on L.
31-32 MAN: R shuffle Fwd. L shuffle turning 1/2 turn to R.
LADY: R shuffle Fwd. L shuffle turning 1/2 turn to L.
(Passing joined hands over lady’s head ending R hands over Left )
35-38 Release R hands, R side shuffle. Cross rock Lover R recover on R.
39-42 L side shuffle, (releasing L hands & joining R as you pass partner)
Cross rock Rover L. recover on L
43-46 R shuffle Fwd. L shuffle 1/4 turn to L.O.D. into sweetheart position.
47-50 Rock Fwd on R. recover on L. R shuffle back.
51-54 Rock back on L. recover on R. L shuffle Fwd.
55-56 Rock Fwd on R. recover on L.
57&58 MAN: R back shuffle
LADY: Full turn R shuffle to R. (Passing joined hands over lady’s head
ending L hand over R crossed in front)
59-60 Rock back on L. recover on R.
61-64 L shuffle. R shuffle Fwd to L.O.D.
66-68 Walk Fwd L.R.L.R.