Choreographed by

Al & Sandy Ord - St Neots UK - 01480 351742 -
Description 64 Count Partner Dance, Side by side holding inside hands -
Opposite footwork - Gents steps listed unless different
Music Someday - Holly Dunn from Milestones (Greatest Hits) CD

	Travelling down LOD - Rolling 2 Step ¾ Turn, Weave ¼ Turn, Shuffle Fwd
1-4 	Step Fwd Rt ¼ Turn Lt (back to back double handhold behind), travelling down LOD Pivot
	a further ½ Turn Lt stepping onto Lt (face to face double handhold in front), Cross Rt over Lt, Step Lt to Lt side
5,6 	Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt ¼ turn Lt (side by side inside handhold facing LOD)
7&8 	Step Rt Fwd, Step Lt beside Rt, Step Rt Fwd
	Still Travelling down LOD - Rolling 2 Step ¾ Turn, Weave ¼ Turn, Shuffle Fwd
9-12 	Step Fwd Lt ¼ Turn Rt (face to face double handhold in front), travelling down LOD Pivot
	a further ½ Turn Rt stepping onto Rt (back to back double handhold behind), Cross Lt over Rt, Step Rt to Rt side
13,14 	Step Lt behind Rt, Step Rt ¼ turn Rt (side by side inside handhold facing LOD),
15&16 	Step Lt Fwd, Step Rt beside Lt, Step Lt Fwd
	Step, ¼ Pivot, (travelling to RLOD) Weave ¼ Turn, Step, ¼ Pivot
17-20 	Step Rt Fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn Lt onto Lt (back to back double handhold behind), Cross Rt over Lt,Step Lt to Lt Side
21-24 	Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt making ¼ Turn Lt (facing RLOD inside handhold), Step Rt Fwd,
	Pivot ¼ Turn Lt onto Lt (face to face double handhold)
GENT 	Cross, Side, Rock Behind, Recover, Side, Behind, Side, Cross
25-28 	Cross Step Rt over Lt, Step Lt to Lt Side, Rock Rt behind Lt, Recover onto Lt
29-32 	Step Rt to Rt Side, Step Lt behind Rt, Step Rt to Rt Side, Cross Step Lt over Rt
LADY 	Full Rolling Turn, Cross Rock Recover Full Rolling Turn , Side, Cross
25-28 	Step Lt across Rt making ½ Turn Rt, Step onto Rt making a further ½ Turn Rt, Cross Rock Lt over Rt,
	Recover back onto Lt, (Turn lady under Gents raised Rt, Lower hands to waist at end of each turn)
29-32 	Step Lt to Lt side making ½ turn Lt, Step onto Rt making a further ½ turn Lt, Step Lt to Lt Side,
	Cross Step Rt over Lt (Turn lady under Gents raised Rt finish facing in double handhold)
BOTH 	Side Rock, ¼ Turn, Fwd Shuffle
33,34, 	Rock Rt to Rt Side, Recover onto Lt making ¼ Turn Lt (keep hold of both hands finish facing LOD),
35&36 	Step Rt Fwd, Step Lt Beside Rt, Step Rt Fwd
GENT 	Step, ¼ Pivot, Cross, Side
37-40 	Step Lt Fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn Rt (facing double hand hold), Cross Step Lt over Rt, Step Rt to Rt Side
LADY 	Step, ¼ Pivot, Full Rolling Turn
37-40 	Step Rt Fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn Lt onto Lt, Step Rt across Lt making ½ Turn Lt, Step onto Rt making a further ½ Turn Lt. 
	(Turn lady under raised Gents Lt lower hands to waist at end of turns)
GENT 	Rock Behind, Recover, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Shuffle ¼ Turn
41-44 	Rock Lt Behind Rt, Recover onto Rt, Step Lt to Lt Side, Step Rt Behind Lt
45,46	Step Lt to Lt Side, Cross Step Rt over Lt, 
47&48 	Step Lt ¼ Turn Lt, Step Rt Beside Lt, Step Lt Fwd
LADY 	Cross Rock, Recover, Full Rolling Turn, Side Cross, Shuffle ¼ Turn
41-44 	Cross Rock Rt over Lt, Recover back onto Lt, Step Rt making ½ Turn Rt, Step onto Lt making a further ½ turn Rt 
	(Turn lady under raised Gents Lt finish facing in double handhold).
45,46, 	Step Rt to Rt Side, Cross Step Lt over Rt, Step Rt ¼ turn Rt,
47&48 	Step Lt Beside Rt, Step Rt Fwd
	Finish side by side holding inside hands
BOTH 	Step, Point, Cross Shuffle (changing sides Gent going behind), Walk, Walk, Fwd Shuffle
	On Cross Shuffle retain inside handhold and take over Ladies head down in front to waist height
49,50 	Step Rt Fwd, Point Lt out to Lt Side,
51&52 	Cross Step Lt over Rt, Step Rt to Rt Side, Cross Step Lt over Rt
53,54 	Step Rt Fwd, Step Lt Fwd,
55&56 	Step Rt Fwd, Step Lt Beside Rt, Step Rt Fwd
	Step, Point, Cross Shuffle (changing sides Gent going behind), Walk, Walk, Fwd Shuffle
	On Cross Shuffle take hands back over Ladies head to side by side
57,58, S	tep Lt Fwd, Point Rt out to Rt Side,
59&60 	Cross Step Rt over Lt, Step Lt to Lt Side, Cross Step Rt over Lt
61,62 	Step Lt Fwd, Step Rt Fwd
63&64 	Step Lt Fwd, Step Rt Beside Lt, Step Lt Fwd
	Start Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert August 2006