Some Beach

Choreographed by Jim Vivis  (814) 322-4813
Description 32 count, beginner/intermediate social cha partner/circle dance, 
Sweetheart position , man and lady are on opposite footwork
Music  Some Beach by Blake Shelton - CD: Barn & Grill

1-2 Rock left to left side, recover on right  Cross rock right over left, recover on left 
3&4 Turning ¼ turn Rt to face OLOD shuffle fwd L-R-L Turning ¾ turn right to face ILOD shuffle back R-L-R
Hand movements: on counts 3 & 4 man takes lady's left hand over her head as she does a ¾ turn 
                 ending in skaters position with left hands on top
5-6 Rock forward right, recover on left  Rock back on left, recover on right
7&8 Turning ¼ turn Rt to face, RLOD shuffle fwd R-L-R Turning ¼ Lt to face RLOD, shuffle fwd L-R-L
Remain in skaters position
1-2 Rock forward on left, recover back on right Rock forward on right, recover back on left
3&4 Turning ½ turn left to face LOD, shuffle fwd L-R-L Turning ½ turn right to face LOD, shuffle fwd R-L-R
5-6 Rock forward right recover back left Rock forward left recover back right
Shuffle forward R-L-R
Shuffle forward L-R-L
1-2 Turning ¼ turn right to face OLOD, step left to side 
touch right in place
Turning ¼ turn left to face ILOD, step right to side 
touch left in place
3&4 Shuffle to side R-L-R Shuffle to side L-R-L
5-6 Turning ¼ Rt to face RLOD, rock fwd Lt recover Rt Turning ¼ Lt to face RLOD, rock fwd Rt recover Lt
7&8 Turning ½ turn left, shuffle forward L-R-L Turning ½ turn right shuffle forward R-L-R
1-2 Walk forward right, left Turning left roll forward left, right for counts 1 and 2
3&4 Shuffle forward R-L-R Shuffle forward L-R-L
5-6 Rock forward left recover right  Rock forward right recover left
7-8 Walk forward left, right Walk forward right, left
Hand movements: on counts 1 and 2 drop ladies left hand and pull her toward you with her right 
                  hand as she rolls forward. Pick lady back up in sweetheart position
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert November 2004