Choreographer unknown
Description 32 Count  Tempo: Slow swing, Couples dance with partners standing
Right shoulder to Right shoulder facing opposite directions in center of
floor. Four wall couples dance. Both Lady and Gent do the same footwork,
facing opposite direction.
Music Take These Chains - Leroy Parnell or slow swing

RIGHT FAN (Note: Hold Right hands until last fan out, then drop)
1-2	 Right fan to Right, Bring Right home
3-4 	Right fan to Right, Bring Right home
1-2 	Left fan to Left, Bring Left foot home
3-4   	Left fan to Left making 1/4 turn to Left, Step out on Right and pivot 1/2 turn to Left 
	(keep weight on Right )
TURN AND KICK (Note: You will now be facing partner)
1-2   Step forward on Left foot, Raise Right foot to touch partners Right foot - join Right hands
3-4  	Step back placing weight on Right, Touch Left toe back
JITTERBUG TURN (Note: When turn is complete, partners will be facing 1/4 turn to their Right from starting point. 
		Right shoulder to Right shoulder)
1   	Step forward on Left , raising Right arms
2   	Step forward on Right , turning lady under her Right arm
3   	Step forward on Left , completing lady's 3/4 turn - (Right arms down to side)
4   	Touch Right toe next to Left
JITTERBUG TURN (Note: This will return you to face your partner)
1   	Step backward on Right, raising Right arms
2   	Step backward on Left, turning lady as you go under gent's Right arm
3   	Step backward on Right, completing turn (facing partner)
4   	Touch Left toe next to Right
1/2 PIVOT TURNS (Note: Drop Right hands for next 4 steps)
1-2   	Step forward on Left, Pivot 1/2 turn to Right
3-4   	Step forward on Left, Pivot 1/2 turn to Right
KICKS AND TOUCHES (Note: Rejoin Right hands - At the end of the next 8 counts you will be back to starting 
	position, 1/4 turn Right) (1 wall to Right)
1-2   	Bring Left forward and touch partners Left foot, Bring Left back and touch toe next to Right foot
3-4   	Bring Left forward and touch partners Left foot, Bring Left back and touch toe next to Right foot
(Ending up Right shoulder to Right shoulder with partner, facing opposite directions)
1-2   	Bring Left forward at an angle to Left, Slide Right up to Left
3-4   	Bring Left forward at an angle to Left, Stomp Right next to Left
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk June 2002