Choreographed by

Hélène Savard,~
Description  Partner Dance Beginners    32 Counts  
Right Open Promenade Position
Music  Snap your fingers – Ronnie Milsap 16 count Intro

1-8 	Step Diagonally Fwd, Tap/Snap, Step Diagonally Back, Tap/Clap
1-2 	Man: Step diagonally forward on L, Tap R next to left 
	(Snap left fingers on 2nd count tap)
	Lady: Step diagonally forward on R, Tap L next to right 
	(Snap right fingers on 2nd count tap)
3-4 	Man: Step diagonally back on R, Tap L next to right
	(Tap ladies right hand mans left on 4th count tap)
	Lady: Step diagonally back on L, Tap R next to left
	(Tap ladies right hand mans left on 4th count tap)
5-6 	Man: Man: Step diagonally forward on L, Tap R next to left
	(Snap left fingers on 6th count tap)
	Lady: Step diagonally forward on R, Tap L next to right
	(Snap right fingers on 6th count tap)
7-8	 Man: Step diagonally back on R, Tap L next to right
	(Tap ladies right hand mans left on 8th count tap)
	Lady: Step diagonally back on L, Tap R next to left
	(Tap ladies right hand mans left on 8th count tap)
9-16 	Step Lock, Shuffle Fwd, Step Lock, Shuffle Fwd
1-4 	Man: Step forward L, Lock R behind left, Shuffle forward LRL
	Lady: Step forward R, Lock L behind right, Shuffle forward RLR
5-8 	Man: Step forward L, Lock R behind left, Shuffle forward LRL
	Lady: Step forward R, Lock L behind right, Shuffle forward RLR
17-24 	Step Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Step Fwd, Hold/Snap
1-4 	Man: Step forward L, (release hands), Pivot ½ turn right, (pick up hands)
	Step forward L, Hold/snap right fingers
	Lady: Step forward R, (release hands), Pivot ½ turn left, (pick up hands),
	Step forward R, Hold/Snap left fingers
5-8 	Man: Step forward R, (release hands), Pivot ½ turn left, (pick up hands),
	Step forward R, Hold/Snap left fingers
	Lady: Step forward L, (release hands), Pivot ½ turn right, (pick up hands)
	Step forward L, Hold/snap right fingers
25-32 	Man: Vine Left, Touch/Snap, Vine Right, Touch/Clap
	Lady: Vine Right, Touch/Snap, Rolling Vine Left, Touch/Clap
1-4 	Man: Step L to left, Cross step R behind left, Step L to left, Tap R next to left
	(Snap fingers of both hands to left side during 4th count Tap)
	Lady: Step R to right, Cross step L behind right, Step R to right, Tap L next to right
	(Snap fingers of both hands to right side during 4th count Tap)
5-8 	Man: Step R to right, Cross step L behind right, Step R to right, Tap L next to right
	Lady: Step L ¼ turn left, Step R ¼ turn left, Step L ½ turn left, Tap R next to left
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert February 2007