Slow Way To Love

Choreographed by

Gérard (Gerry) Bouthillier April 23rd 2006
450-586-3727 - 
Description Partner/32 Counts/Beginner Side by Side position 
Steps are the same for leader and follower except if noted
Music Living In fast Forward - Kenny Chesney - BPM: 117  
Start 32 counts after the intro 

1-8	Walk/Walk/Shuffle Forward/Rock Step/Coaster step
1-2	Step right forward, Step left forward 
3&4	Shuffle forward RLR
5-6	Rock left, Recover right
7&8	Back left, Right next to left, Left forward (Coaster Step)
 9-16	Walk/Walk/Shuffle Forward/Rock Step/Coaster step
1-2	Step forward right, left 
3&4	Shuffle forward RLR
5-6	Rock Left,  Recover right
7&8	Back left, Right next to left, Left forward (Coaster Step)
17-24	Leader : Right Vine And Touch/Left Vine Touch 
	Follower :  Full turn Right/Full Turn Left
***	Let go of the left hands and keep the right hands  
	Leader					Follower
17-18	Right to right , Left behind right 			Right ¼ turn right  - Left ¼ turn right
19-20	Right to right - Touch left next to right		Right ½ right - Touch left next to right
21-22	Left to left    - Right behind left			Left ¼ turn left -Right ¼ turn left
23-24	Left to left, Touch right next to left, 		Left ½ turn left, Touch right next to left
25-32	Military Turn/Rock Step/Stomp Down/Stomp Down
***	Let go of the right hands and take the left hands
25-26	Step right forward, ½ turn left on left foot
27-28	Step right forward, ½ turn left on left foot
29-30	Rock right forward,  Recover on left
31-32	Stomp down right, Stomp down left
	Start From The Top
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2006