Slap Your Grandma
1-4 At a forward angle Bump L hip Hard to the L at the same time bringing L hip slightly up, at a back angle bump R hip softly to the R and slightly down, Repeat hard and soft hip bumps Ladies: Do the same thing with opposite footwork 5-8 Step in place with L,R,L,R, (As Lady does an inside turn in place, release your R hand, as she comes back to face you make a hand exchange placing her R hand in your R hand and get ready to begin a West Coast Sugar Push) Ladies: Do a 4 count full inside turn to the left stepping R,L,R,L 9-16 West Coast Swing Sugar Push: Men end w/ Stomp, Stomp, Ladies end w/ Triple 1/2 Turn L into Side By Side 1,2,3&4, Walk back L, R, Coaster step L,R,L 5&6, 7-8 Anchor step R,L,R, Stomp home L, Stomp home R, (during counts 7,8, take lady into Side By Side, both facing L.O.D. Ladies: Do a Lady's Sugar Push for cts 1-6. While men step 7,8, Ladies do 7&8 making a Triple 1/2 turn L into side by side Both Partners are now in Side By Side position facing L.O.D and will be on the same footwork 'till the end. Dance Body1-8 Men - Bump Hard L, Bump Soft R, Bump Hard L, Bump Soft R, Step in place L, R, L, R
1-8 Walk, Walk, ¼ Turn, Touch, Rock, Rock, Rock, ¼ Turn w/ Hook1-4, Walk forward L, R, Step forward L while making ¼ turn Right, Touch R next to L Note: These first 4 "Starter" cts are modified as written below when restarting dance through remainder of dance. 5-8 Rock side R, L, R, Turn 1/4 L on ball of right foot hooking L over R
9-16 Shuffle Forward X2, Rock Forward, Recover, Step L, Pivot ½ R1&2, 3&4 Shuffle forward L,R,L, , Shuffle forward R,L,R 5-8, Rock forward on L, Recover R, Step forward L, (bringing hands down in front ) ivot 1/2 R onto R, (bring hands over top and down in front) now both are facing against L.O.D.
17-24 ¼ Turn R, Hold, ¼ Turn R, Hold, Jazz Box in place1-4 Step side L while making 1/4 turn R, (release R hand, pick up hands behind the man's back) Hold Step R while making 1/4 turn R, (release L hand, pick up hand in side by side facing L.O.D.) Hold 5-8 In place Jazz Box L,R,L,R
25-32 S tolen straight from the Schottische Both: Grapevine Left (Same for Ladies)1-2 Left steps to left, Right steps to left behind left 3-4 Left steps to left, Kick/Dig with right Men: Hands are lifted while turning the ladies but do not have to be let go 5-6 Right steps slightly right, Left steps to right behind right (or steps in place) 7 Right steps to right turning ¼ turn to left, facing toward inside L.O.D. 8 Kick/Dig with left Ladies: Hands are lifted while turning but do not have to be let go 5 Right steps fwd across left prepping for what will be a ¼ turn to right 6 Left steps back turning ¼ turn right, facing outside L.O.D 7-8 Right steps back slightly, Kick/Dig with left Special Note: You will finish the dance in the Schottische Pattern, with both partners positioned slightly to the inside of couple's track.
Replacement Steps:To start dance again ladies move across track in front of man stepping (L,R,L,Touch R) Men accommodate lady's movement while stepping (L,R,L, Touch R) to position both partners facing outside L.O.D on ct 4 (Touch R next to Left) of section 1 of Dance Body. Resume Dance with ct 5, (Rock Right to Right Side). Continue dance always replacing the first 4 "Starter" step counts with those as noted above.
Every effort
has been made to ensure these cue Sheets
are accurate, Should you find any errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | June 2005 |