Walks, Sweep Cross, Step Back, Lock Step Back
1-2-3 Walk line of dance Right, Left, Right
4-5 Sweep left foot around and cross in front of right with weight
Optional: Point left foot to the left then cross in front of right with weight
6-7&8 Step right back, lock left over right, step back right, lock left over right
Ball Point, Step, Triple Step, Step Point Step Point
&1-2 Step right back and point left then step on left
3&4 Follows: Full turn over the left shoulder stepping right, left right
Leads: Triple step forward right, left, right
Hands: Leads drop left hand and keep right hand then pick up after turn
5-6-7-8 Step left forward, point right to the side, step forward right, point left to the side
Rock Step, Triple Step (follows half turn), Rock Step, Triple Step (follows 1 ½ turn)
1-2 Rock left forward and recover weight on right
3&4 Follows: Half turn triple step over the left shoulder to face back line of dance
Leads: Triple back left, right, left
Hands: Leads drop left hand and end up right palms together shoulder height
5-6 Follows: Rock right forward and recover weight on left
Leads Rock back on right and recover weight on left
7&8 Follows: Triple turn 1 ½ times to face line of dance over right shoulder
Optional Turn half turn instead
Leads: Triple step forward right, left, right
Hands Bring hands back into the sweetheart position
Monkey Walks! Scuff Ball Change
1-2 Step left foot forward, scuff right foot next to left
3-4 Follows: Step right foot to the right side, scuff left foot next to right
Leads: Step right foot in front of follows left, scuff left foot next to right
5-6 Follows: Step left foot over leads right, scuff right foot next to left
Leads: Step left foot to the side and scuff right next to left
7-8& Follows: Step right foot to the right, scuff left foot and step down on left
Leads: Step right foot over follows left, scuff left foot and step down on left
Step forward on right foot to start dance over.