Six Shooter

Choreographed by

Pete Burdack and Kayla Cosgrove ~ 
Description 32 Count Partner Dance Couples start in sweetheart position 
(cape position) facing LOD
Music Aaron Tippin - Kiss This
Keith Anderson - XXL
Fat Boy Slim - Weapon of Choice
Any West Coast Swing beat.

Walks, Sweep Cross, Step Back, Lock Step Back 
1-2-3	Walk line of dance Right, Left, Right
4-5	Sweep left foot around and cross in front of right with weight
Optional: Point left foot to the left then cross in front of right with weight
6-7&8	Step right back, lock left over right, step back right, lock left over right
Ball Point, Step, Triple Step, Step Point Step Point
&1-2	Step right back and point left then step on left
3&4	Follows: Full turn over the left shoulder stepping right, left right
Leads:	Triple step forward right, left, right
Hands: 	Leads drop left hand and keep right hand then pick up after turn
5-6-7-8	Step left forward, point right to the side, step forward right, point left to the side
Rock Step, Triple Step (follows half turn), Rock Step, Triple Step (follows 1 ½ turn)
1-2	Rock left forward and recover weight on right
3&4	Follows: Half turn triple step over the left shoulder to face back line of dance
Leads:	Triple back left, right, left
Hands:	 Leads drop left hand and end up right palms together shoulder height
5-6	Follows: Rock right forward and recover weight on left
Leads	Rock back on right and recover weight on left
7&8	Follows: Triple turn 1 ½ times to face line of dance over right shoulder
Optional	Turn half turn instead
Leads: 	Triple step forward right, left, right
Hands	Bring hands back into the sweetheart position
Monkey Walks! Scuff Ball Change
1-2	Step left foot forward, scuff right foot next to left
3-4	Follows: Step right foot to the right side, scuff left foot next to right
Leads: 	Step right foot in front of follows left, scuff left foot next to right
5-6	Follows: Step left foot over leads right, scuff right foot next to left
Leads:	 Step left foot to the side and scuff right next to left
7-8&	Follows: Step right foot to the right, scuff left foot and step down on left
Leads: 	Step right foot over follows left, scuff left foot and step down on left
	Step forward on right foot to start dance over. 
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2006